Baby Machine

 First things first, the family’s heir and the baby I didn’t introduce you to, Simon has grown up.

He is a sweet and angelic little guy who gets lots of playtime with his mom.

Which makes sense seeing as how Luna has nothing else to do. All day she lazes about the house watching television.

Or playing with her son’s toys since she never really grew up.

All while waiting for Damien to come home but he doesn’t exactly talk to her until the baby-making begins.

And as far as his child is considered Damien only speaks to him to yell at him for making a mess.

Apparently, his idea of becoming a super parent is strict punishment.

At least Grandma Daphne is still around and visits regularly so Simon is taken proper care of by someone.

You’d of thought Damien would have picked something up from his mother but she may have spoiled him too much.

Damien may be an aspiring super parent but his sole focus seems to be his career. Attempting to reach the top of the judge ladder.

Surprisingly Damien does have one hidden skill, he is an excellent cook but with his long hours the cooking has fallen to Luna and like everything else that doesn’t require toys she fails .. hard.

At least the butler isn’t useless.

(I have it set so butlers don’t cook in case you were wondering why he isn’t the chef)

Daphne seems to think as little of her daughter-in-law as her son does, cant she do anything right?

Look at your son

every time he needs something or wants proper attention and grandma isn’t here he goes to the help.

If you wanna be a lazy sack of potatoes fine but take care of your children.

That’s right children because Damien seems to always want more babies.

Luna didn’t start off well deciding to give birth outside by the pool when there were two bassinets upstairs in the blasted nursery.

After bringing in the two new Landgraab girls Luna went straight back to her best bud the robot toy at least he talks to her.

To celebrate Winterfest Eve Damien brought his sweet toddler to blow out his candles.

Luna decided with the holiday season it was time she spruced up and made an effort. After all, everyone keeps telling her everything that goes wrong around here is her fault. So maybe she should try a little harder.

She invited her brothers’ families and Damiens and everyone but the two she really wanted to see (her brothers) never came.

(What’s that say about you Luna when even your own family can’t be bothered to visit?)

Simon made sure he went to Father Winter as soon as he could, after all he’d been a great toddler.

But his now evil ways are sure to be problematic in the future.

He wasn’t too keen on all those people hanging around and not giving him nearly enough attention.

Selfishly ignoring the fact his cousin Stuart was in the same boat but was making the best of it.

Just your typical Landgraab.

By the time the actual Winterfest hit the whole family was ready to open presents.

Little Alexandra (Ally) and Sally grew up just in time.

Yes, they’re cute and yes they are identical but don’t ask me which one is which.

When a sim this little builds a sandcastle all by themselves of a reinterpretation of Jaws I have to worry about exactly what kind of children this family is raising.

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