The Trouble With Gnomes

When we left it was Gnome Fest. Wait I mean Harvest Fest.

At the time my game was broked and I couldn’t actually cook a grand meal so it was technically Gnome Fest for me.

Eventually, I did fix the game by finding the non-updated mod and returned Harvest Fest back to normal.

But due to the Pancakes disaster with the gnomes I did actually create a Gnome Fest holiday.

Therefore, BEHOLD, the origins of the gnomey holiday!

We are now the Gnomes!

Since the girls eliminated the gnome opposition they decided to cart the look of the gnomes to prove their dominance.

Everyone at the family get-together knew who the true gnomes of the day were and respected the girls’ new position.

However, there were others not so impressed by the girls’ new self-confidence.

Graham, my second-generation Fox heir and founder of the Super Sim challenge clan had to show the Pancakes exactly who was in charge in this world.

Of course he went after the main perpetrator, Theresa.

I can’t even be mad. Graham’s got to be at least 200 years old and this is the first time he’s attacked one of my other legacies.

He has every right to look as proud of himself as he does.

He is the dominant sim in this world.

Though I wonder if he wasn’t bought off by the gnomes themselves.

Bridget got off relatively easy after the gnome night (after all she was just an innocent bystander – dancing in the carnage doesn’t mean anything!) So she was further able to pursue her romantic life.

Darling must have awakened something in her because, in a relatively short time, she wanted to make things with Darling official.

Considering how long she was with that other girl and nothing rolled it must be fate.

Of course, I immediately moved Darling into the home so she could start aging and they immediately got extra frisky.

All the townie families in my game have a pet because I needed more pets to work on at the Fox clinic.

In Darling’s case she had an adorable kitty named Kira.

Who I naturally totally love as I do Darling’s new makeover.

With Darling joining the house some major things happened.

I could no longer stand the sight of that eyesore of a house I built and got the girls a much better home off the gallery.

So if you’re looking at the backgrounds of these pics and thinking I don’t recognize this place, that’s why.

Now that I think about it, I was initially going to give this house back to a Disney Princess but considering these sims are the only ones to officially live here I think I’ll let their family stay here. It’ll make more sense for when I get to Tiana claiming her family hasn’t accomplished anything. – ramble over

Anyway since Bridget has herself an official significant other now it’s time to officially cut Andrea loose.

Listen chica this relationship wasn’t going anywhere, Bridge just wasn’t feeling it. Go enjoy story progression.

Yeesh, someone does not take rejection well.

Good thing you got out of that relationship Bridge.

Don’t let her insanity get to you.

You have the amazing Darling who has some big news for you now that you’re officially all theirs.

Seriously, they rolled to marry Bridget almost immediately after Bridget cooled things off with Andrea.

I do love these two together so much.

My favorite couple in my legacies at the moment.

I find the unflirty sims are the most romantic and devoted once they find the right person.

So when I got control of Darling and saw that chief of mischief aspiration I had to change it.

It just did not fit her personality, I felt, so I chose nerd brain. It just screamed Darling to me.

Though the handiness skill definitely needs some serious work.

That’s gotta hurt.

Darling is an absolute coffee fiend.

If there’s none in the pot you better be sure they’re brewing some up.

However, a contributing factor could be the silly girlfriend’s love of snow.

He’s missing something… I know! Pancakes!

And her insistence everyone else enjoy it as much as her.

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