Bobs Legacy

You ever wondered what happens to all those Disney challenge spares?

Well, wonder no more!

I actually only have two left of the six spares who haven’t married off into my other legacies.

Theresa, the eldest.

A mean, unflirty, loner that I’ve never had any real plans for.

And quite frankly I still don’t.

Her personality doesn’t exactly scream life of the party.

However, it did say to me ballsy beekeeper!

As you can see she’s wearing a business suit here and I decided to scrap that.

None of these jobs really fit her.

She’s definitely an unpleasant sim but she does love her family so she’s now taking care of them.

Except when she tries to cast some voodoo on her sister Bridget.

Something she is just really really bad at.

You know how generation orange in Not So Berry is supposed to be really bad at being evil?

I think that totally applies to Theresa here.

Because she failed at this thing every single time!

Quite frankly their pet hedgehog Stitch is better at it than she is.

Is that an atomic explosion or a really powerful fart? Perhaps both?

The other spare still left in the house is Bridget.

Bridget has always been my favorite of the Pancake kids.

A lazy, clumsy goofball she’s always been a joy to play.

If you read my Disney challenge you know that she does have a special someone in her life but it just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

Bridget I think is only physically invested in this relationship. Whereas Andrea wants more than she is prepared to give.

As a result, I let Bridge get on the hookup list of the SimDa dating app.

One of her “dates” caught my eye and I decided to have her invite the sim over.

That, in case you couldn’t tell is Darling Walsh from the karaoke legends house.

Why, in the name of all that is holy I gave Darling long hair when I was making townies over is beyond me. Because it just doesn’t work.

Despite my reservations at Darling’s look, Bridget had none.

Of course, soon things went even further.

Because of a random hook-up call I now actually have a plan for Bridget. Besides just holding down the fort until a Disney Princess returns.

But before all that can happen, Bob, the sim who will inspire it all is of course causing havoc with Theresa’s bees.

He’s not the only one though, his lost love loves to terrorize them as well.

But the bees take no nonsense from anyone be they physical beings or not.

Bob is enjoying his retirement and now that we have seasons in the Sims his hobbying is no longer limited to swimming.

Playing in the leaves is just as fun.

He has not forgotten his responsibility to the family though and made sure to check in that his girls will be alright when he’s gone.

It seems Theresa’s cooking has finally passed his judgment.

With that knowledge, he knows he can finally let go.

And return to his beloved in the hereafter.

Of course, the girls were not happy about this and as such made their first holiday that much harder.

The gnomes arrived.

Expecting to be catered to and celebrated.

Theresa had no such intentions in her heart.

Excitement at the thrill of the kill!

Despite the arrival of the Grim gnome at this great injustice.

That didn’t stop the mean Theresa she just went about her killing spree.

Her impressionable sister Bridget soon couldn’t help but get caught up in her sisters’ glee and was soon dancing in the gnome carcasses.

The carnage!

Because nothing screams thankful like a good old-fashioned gnome purge!

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