Canine Beginnings

Hey guys!

So technically, this family started before Serenity but I was assuming there would be an actual mention of Greyson being engaged in a previous Fox post but yeah… that didn’t happen. He did NOT end up with Lilith Vatore. Eventually, he realized that gal was no good for him, instead, he ended up with a beautiful sim named Amanda who, like him, is far more outdoorsy.

Thus the generational rules: so let’s get into it.

Usually when I start a new legacy with a spare from a previous family that sim dictates the legacy rules.

In this case that sim would be Greyson.

Greyson is an active, self-assured, vegetarian. None of these traits really suit what I want to do with this family.

Grey is an outdoor enthusiast and his fiance Amanda is an aspiring freelance botanist. So I wanted the family to have an earthy feel.

Thus the surname Gaia: the Greek goddess of Earth.

Amanda is creative, loves the outdoors, and is childish.

She definitely personifies the whole concept I was going for.

As a result, she will be setting our legacy rules for the Gaia legacy. Heirs will need to have the loves the outdoors trait and or be a girl.

Which makes total sense with Gaia being a goddess and all.

Alright, so we’ve met the characters let’s set the stage.

Flowers Camp Site by ladyfancyfeast

The Gaias live on Gaias Jams a retail lot in Brindleton Bay.

I know you technically can’t live on a retail lot but they never leave and their ‘home lot’ is vacant.

Works just fine for me. One drawback is you don’t get any visitors (unless they call) but you get customers all the time so there’s always others to talk to.

Not that Amanda has much time to socialize she’s always in her (way too big for its own good) garden.

Yes, you are looking at cc.  Zoot finally caved and delved into the mystical world of cc. Though I didn't do much. After reading rkings current household I remembered I wanted to try out the canning mod and I also downloaded the cottage stuff pack for good measure. I'm going to try to restrain myself, the PTSD from a huge mods folder back in Sims 2 days has not worn off. 
(The days before we actually had canning in game - kind of fun seeing my sims life when the game was more bare bones.)

Back to the subject at hand.

The idea with the Gaia family was that Amanda wouldn’t work and make her money off of her garden (canning, herbal remedies) and the occasional painting in a family shop.

Sounds easy enough…

In theory that is, for the first few days, they couldn’t sell anything.

Besides the fact that the customers wandered all over the lot and took hours to decide to buy anything. When they finally did, they couldn’t. They would stop and wave like something was in the way.

Rinse and repeat.

It took me forever to figure it out. I initially thought it was the cc shelf but no, then I was like well maybe they actually need a building to walk in?

Yeah, that wasn’t it.

Which really made me mad they barely have any money as it is.

I did figure it out though. It was that pile of logs decorative item I forgot I marked for sale.

Maker forbid you place it against the wall!

Once someone bought that we just removed the sign and said adios!

The store runs smoothly now and you can make one tidy profit off those jams let me tell ya. I even invested in an employee to actually talk to the customers so they buy stuff quicker.

Amanda certainly can’t do it that garden takes all damn day!

On rare occasions, she does actually get a break.

But it’s not often.

I’ve lost the thread here.

The title is Canine Beginnings do you intend on introducing a canine anytime soon Zoot?

Alright, alright, you got it.

The first thing the Gaias did upon arriving in Brindleton Bay was to call the adoption agency.

I knew from the beginning they would be a (large) dog family.

So they adopted two dogs, one adult and one puppy.

Both males, I’m not interested in breeding, I just wanted big dogs.

Rush is the playful baby,

and Journey is their hunter.

In fact their very first day in the home, Journey took on a fascination with those woohoo bushes and didn’t come out so well.

The poor pup got sick his very first day and had to go to the vet with Mom.

Sorry buddy this legacy is just starting out they don’t have the money for expensive treatments.

You are just going to have to make do with the cone of shame.

We promptly deleted those bushes can’t handle the expense let alone a sick pup.

Sorry Journey you’re going to have to find a new obsession.

um… alright then…

I seriously can’t keep this dog out of the bathroom, guess I could lock the doors but, nah.

Luckily both the dogs get along really well and are often playing together.

Hopefully, that lasts as Rush gets bigger because his cuddle days are up.

Now he can join Grey on his evening jogs around the neighborhood, like Journey.

Journey just loves Grey…

Almost as much as Amanda.

The Gaia family will be back next update!

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