
We begin our time in the Rainbowcy at the flea market. Where Dahlia and her two best berry buddies Eliza and Joaquin invited her to.

They were just having a ball but as soon as Sergio showed his face off Dahlia went. To ah, suck face.

I dont know what it is but Sergio just has some sort of thrall over Dahlia. Normally a very reliable and restrained sim she loses her sanity around him.

In fact after the day of snogging at the Flea Market she just couldn’t get him out of her mind and invited him out for breakfast.

Youd swear by this shot they live in a berry save but no that’s just what my game does.

She kept trying to press hints that she’d like things to be more certain between them but he seemed to brush the hints off. He is a man though maybe he just isnt picking up on our girls hints and isnt ignoring them.

After that breakfast she didn’t hear from him for awhile and she went back to her routine at the mobile home.

Caring for her home and the animals, painting and gardening in the morning.

Heading out for some exercise in the afternoons when the weather is right.

And hanging out at the little beach down the hill from her home.

Then it’s usually home for dinner and there is almost always someone visiting.

Dahlia has a real good life. Simple and a little poor but she loves it.

She also has really good friends that take her out of the house for dinner dates every week to keep her in the loop and remind her there is a life out there without Sergio.

But somehow no matter where she goes he tends to show up and the attraction is like a magnet.

It takes some time for her to get herself back from these dalliances and remember why she was wherever she was.

To clear her head after instances like this Dahlia tends to look to the water. In this case, taking a day trip to Sulani.

It’s nice to feel like herself again and just in time for her weekly dinners with friends. But this week it looks like Eliza can’t make it she’s been roped into working.

That left just Dahlia and Joaquin.

Over what was quite frankly a rather disgusting meal, this place is seriously grimy why does Eliza work here?

The two friends really got to know one another and Jo asked Dahlia how things were with Sergio.

Dahlia: Oh … well … ya know he pops up whenever and we *blushes* ya know and then I don’t see him until the next random encounter.

Joaquin: That’s it? This has been going on for a while haven’t you two discussed a future? Or even just gone out on a date?

Dahlia: Well, I did ask him out to breakfast one time but he didn’t seem to like that so I just let it go.

Joaquin: You deserve better than that… I’d give you better than that.

And with that Dahlia went home glowing and wondering just what it was she wanted for herself.

But that nights events ruined it when her bed tried to kill her.

So this time she went to the water to recuperate from near-bed death and the loss of her family’s raccoon cat Mia.

Rather than dealing with any man problems.

I mean how pretty is this shot I absolutely love it.

With her head clear Dahlia is ready to take on the next stage of her life. But with whom?

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