Founding a Legacy

Damien has decided he’s not making as much money as he could be in his 9 to 5 job so he applied for some scholarships to go back to school and really start bringing in the dough.

While he awaited results he distracted himself with some casual woohoo with his favorite hook-up call, Luna Villareal.

Sure she’s dumb as a stump but she’s a mighty fine roll in the hay.

Damien finally got the news he was accepted into a distinguished history degree with a full ride to Britechester after receiving various scholarships.

That of course brings up the question of what to do with his favorite girl.

Yeah, Lucifer is a girl – check your facts next time Zoot.

As usual, Mom was there and happily took Luci in despite how angry it made Malcolm. This just made the deal that much sweeter for Damien.

What was not sweet was moving into your new dorm and your gross-ass roommate starts making the moves on your clueless mother!

Just moved in and already our boy hates everyone around him.

Damien couldn’t stand what he was seeing and never wanting to upset his mother he chose to explore the campus and was just in awe of the fact he was the first sim to experience the true university experience.

Then some hateful little wanna-be goth – so-called Pleasant chick went and ruined the whole thing by defacing the symbol of learning and ruining Damien’s moment.

Who the hell enrolled these peasants?

Damien found a sense of accomplishment in his work for the school. Because every good grade gets him that much closer to rolling in simoleons.

But eventually, he would have to return to his dorm and deal with these jackass roommates he was assigned.

Damien’s not the weak kid he once was and now he gives the black eyes.

Whoever said you can’t have more enemies than your generation’s rules state?

Damien spent almost all of his time studying and had very little time for socialization. Besides, look at the people around here, they are not exactly his equals.

But as usual, his kind mom convinced him to get out there and meet people, there’s more to life than money she would say.

Damien didn’t believe a word of that but he heeded his mothers’ advice and headed to the campus bar. Was challenged (you dare challenge me?!) to a game of juice pong by some tech nerd from Foxbury and Damien made sure this twit knew who was on top.

But Damien’s not as young as these kids and with each passing semester he can feel his time as a young adult ending and he desperately wants to leave a legacy behind him.

Being so focused on the almighty simoleon, however, there is no one in his life but Luna. Guess she’s going to have to do.

Nearing the end of his university days (thank you Watcher) the roommates finally started contributing and brought Damien, food!

Seriously, that was the high point of my university experience with Damien. As usual, I could not wait to get my sim out of there. I’ll definitely be sticking with school from home absolutely love that! Not interested in the experience my sims just want to earn more dough and get professional jobs.

That’s why Damien went and while he was away at school some peasants moved into his bug-infested shack in Strangerville. But that was no skin off Damien’s nose his mother had sent him the key and deed to his old home back in Oasis Springs. Seems that as Malcolm’s elder days approach, he becomes easier and easier to manipulate by his sweetly evil wife.

Once Damien had those he planned a whole renovation of the property. He did all this while getting top marks in school. So when he finally graduated the house was ready.

Damien is truly a force to be reckoned with.

It was good to be back in the Oasis with his Luci.

Man, I missed that dog.

Damien has changed so much since he left that everyone believes he is a newcomer to the area.

Which is perfectly fine by him he isn’t that sweet little boy anymore.

Damien isn’t totally alone however he does have a family that he cares for immensely. Well minus his father and I pity anyone that hurts his young berry cousins.

And then there’s Luna, sweet, stupid, clueless and innocent Luna who never says no.

When she showed up months later to tell Damien they were going to have a baby he was thrilled!

Because frankly if she had just gotten that out of shape he was going to have to find another booty call.

But pregnancy is far better news, this means he can start his legacy but it’s gotta be done right. No child of his was going to be called a Villareal.

What, did you expect some sort of ceremony Luna? Maybe you should learn how to say no.

When Luna moved in she didn’t come alone. She brought her families dog Princess with her.

Initially, Damien was annoyed but this sweet face hides a dark soul underneath, kind of like his mom.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves. After his graduation and with his distinguished degree Damien was able to land a job as a high-paying judge.

I pray for anyone put before his bench. They better have deep pockets.

Just like that Damien is shedding the days of young adult.

And burgeoning into the founder of a legacy to be respected.

Good luck Luna.

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