Reap What You Sow

True to her word Julie has made making this relationship work her priority.

So while Gramma Bungee takes care of little Pandora.

The strained couple headed to the most expensive restaurant in town, Serenity.

Seriously the food here is like 200 simoleons a plate!

For that much money, you’d think they’d release a better product.

So much for that, maybe next time will be better Julie.

Whenever that may be.

The life of a doctor is fulfilling.

But entails rather long days.

That doesn’t stop family movie nights.

The Beris are always just waiting for Spork to get home to continue their family tradition.

Soon the family is going to have a new member to join the movie ranks because little Pandora has grown up.

Julie is doing her best to raise the little girl well.

But this little wild child has an agenda all her own.

Don’t let that adorable face fool you.

It’s all about Pan.

And everyone better know it!

G-Pa look at me!!!

It doesn’t matter if Spork is sick from working with… well the sick.

Pans blocks are more important.

Old family friends come for a visit.

You better bet Pan is right in the middle of it.

Spork mastered dance?

Yup, don’t care, Pan was in bed.

Playing piano?

Better be playing it to Pan.

Surely Julie’s birthday

is more …

Surely this behavior cannot continue.

Maybe if her parents spent a little more time taking care of their baby rather than throwing parties

and maintaining so-called ‘generational’ rules (sounds made up if you ask me) then maybe just maybe Pan could be turned around.

Oops, looks like it’s too late for that.

What is to come is your own fault, Julie.

You reap what you sow.

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