Family No More

Here we are officially Disney Villains which is quite bizarre for me because I like to give my sims the happily ever after life. So this is going to be quite a departure gameplay-wise for me.

Damien set his sights on Strangerville for his new home. After all, he grew up in the desert the heat is his home.

With the small inheritance, he was able to purchase a just as small home to get him started.

It’s not much but it’s his.

Well, that’s what most anyone else would say but not Damien.

He grew up in a life of luxury. First in the Landgraab mansion then his uncle’s swanky apartment (with free maid service!). And yet here he is in (what he considers) a shack that is just infested with creepy crawlies.

Yeah, plasma bats! Thought they were only in the jungle…

It’s no wonder he takes up anyone on an invitation out.

OMG, leave me alone!

But quite frankly the socializing is just plain unacceptable, so when his birthday came along he chose to celebrate it alone.

But there’s no way his loving mother Daphne let the celebration go without a present. The pitter-patter of paws on his porch was all he needed to hear to know that his mother finally made good on her promise to get him a dog of his own.

Malcolm of course wouldn’t allow pets in the house

Damien promptly named him Lucifer, not knowing he was the proud owner of one of the sweetest dogs ever born.

As for Damien himself, he grew into an ambitious adult and has taken quite an interest in gambling.

It has to be an easier way to earn money than the business world he’s working in. Although there’s always a way to make a quick buck for a sim who keeps his eyes and ears open.

Just as long as he doesn’t start to blow his new simoleons on gambling debts we can avoid another run-in with the Fengs.

He took his first real score and expanded upon his shack, giving him and Luci a bit more room.

Looks like that super-parent aspiration is starting to show even if his only child is a dog.

For Summerfest Damien finally took his mother up on an offer to visit where she made him a promise.

“No matter what your father says this house will be yours one day and there’s nothing he can do to stop it. There’s a reason I run The Family’s books and not Malcolm.”

Damien couldn’t help but smile. His mother may be by all appearances one of the kindest and best sims you’ve ever met but boy could she be devious. But Damien couldn’t let his mother see his reaction and quickly responded.

“Yeah, whatever Mom. Just keep dad away from me today.”

Daphne was kind of surprised by his response.

“I’ve never broken a promise to you before son.”

Realizing he hurt his mother Damien responded in a far softer tone than before and ended with a smile.

“I know.”

As the temperature increased so did the tempers in the Landgraab manor.

And this time words just weren’t enough and things took an unexpected turn.

Malcolm wasn’t taking any lip from anyone, including his own son.

I’ll wipe that smile off your face …. Dad

The holiday events didn’t end there. As the evening wore on and the juice took over Damien declared his own father an enemy.

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