Love and Marriage Pt. 2

Just like the last part the main focus for the Fox legacy right now is love.


Ahem, excuse me.

Anyways, we will start things out with a wedding!

Since that’s what most of the pictures are anyways.

Last time we got to see the eldest Fox triplet marry his soulmate, Neil.

They are officially on the last leg of Harrison’s aspiration and Neil, strangely enough, keeps rolling try for baby with Harry. Which, you know, not possible but where there’s a mod there’s a way… So maybe? Because Harry keeps thinking about babies as well…

Sorry, I got sidetracked there…

This time it’s the youngest triplets turn to tie the knot.

I gave Caleb the day walker ability as well so the family didn’t need to wait until 8 pm to have the wedding like in Graham’s case.

An absolutely beautiful ceremony surrounded by all their friends and family.

Myshuno Wedding Park by lisalittlesimmer

I replaced the lot I had here before (where Graham was married) and absolutely love it! It might actually be a little bit too large for my liking. It’s setup to have either an indoor or outdoor wedding there’s even a whole setup for a wedding story, with a bedroom, dressing room the whole shebang. I’ll probably modify it to my needs over time and to stop people from wandering all over a 64*64 lot. But I definitely recommend it if you’re looking to replace that big lot in San Myshuno.

The whole family turned out and were looking rather smashing.

And I don’t know if I can express how much I love these two!

They are as perfect together as Neil and Harry are.

I’ve never fallen for couples as hard as I have with these Fox triplets.

Except maybe this one…

Come on Grey really? It’s a wedding show a little restraint.

Nobody seems too keen on Lilith always hanging around.

Just seems a little shifty, that’s all I’m saying…

I swear she followed them home from the wedding venue because the second they got home and were headed to bed there she was.

I don’t know maybe it’s purely innocent  but I don’t trust her.

Honestly, though, I don’t think Grey trusts her either. Because no matter how often she showed up the only thing he ever rolled was woohoo.

Unlike with this pretty sim who knocked on the door one day…

I mean there was woohoo, this is Greyson we are talking about he loves a good time.

But very quickly, I think maybe the second or third night there was more…

Grey must have been using Lilith to get over his childhood fling and find the woman of his dreams.

And, in the process, help me decide what to do with him…

Because Maddie is about to fill the house.

Actually, make that 9 sims!

Greyson is definitely going to have to go I’m out of room.

Looks like we’re finally starting our branched-off legacies. Grey’s a great sim and we already know he’s an excellent father so he’ll be a great founder.

In fact, when I was writing up Goosecapades and came across this pic I knew he was going to start his own legacy.

Even if that means Maddie’s aspiration is going to take a hit to fund a home for him.

The babies arrived just in time too because with this last ‘permission to drink,’ Caleb completed his aspiration.

So, with maxed lore and a cure it was time for a celebratory drink,

to regain his humanity.

I can’t be the only one who thinks Caleb shouldn’t be a vampire. Besides I’m sick of them now and I don’t need them taking up precious sim slots in the home. The only vampires I’ll allow are ones with suitable aspirations that’s it!

I didn’t actually introduce you to the little ones yet, did I?

Meet generation 4, Joel and Mike Fox.

Named after the hosts of Mystery Science Theater.

Grandma Melisa made it to the birth of the twins. Even though she is officially living on bubbles

Originally I intended on playing with the Foxes until she died but she outlived my patience.

Those active sims live forever!

Mike was definitely the more troublesome of the two, it seemed like he constantly needed attention from someone.

But baby time with twins was far more bearable than with triplets.

One less screaming child and a house full of sims meant I was nowhere near as stressed.

Before I knew it they were growing up.

And they are adorable!

Joel – clingy and Mike – inquisitive

Mike is our heir, which I’m super excited about.

I swear I didn’t change it to fit my preference.

Both of the tykes still have a lot of growing to do but right now they both love Harry.

Constantly rolling wants with him..

Which leads me to my next point. Since Harry and Neil both seem to be obsessed with children should I let them have one of their own?

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