Mood Swinging Love

Okay, so the worst camping trip ever is finally over and our teens returned home to discover that mom aged up!

Sorry, Melissa!

I didn’t actually forget I just didn’t bother to switch to her on the day of. Grey had an aspiration to work on. What could she possibly be upset about? She got two extra days of life!

To make it up to her the kids decided to throw a spooky party with all of mom’s friends on the invite list.

I’ll be honest I had an ulterior motive for this…

and there he is!

That’s right, I really wanted Maddison to meet Caleb Vatore. I desperately want to play with him and thought he’d fit in well with the Fox family. His whole character actually fits in great with Maddy too so I was hopeful.

Initially, it almost felt like Caleb was resistant. They got along great and became friends quickly but they didn’t seem to really click. Remember that Mads is a loner so she’s a bit awkward and still a teen so perhaps Caleb felt a little weird about the whole situation. I mean he’s best friends with her dad.

But then he stood up from his chair and relocated himself behind our heir.

That, rather ballsy move by Caleb told me I should pursue this.

And before I knew it, Mads was on board…

After the party, things went back to routine.

Relatively speaking that is.

Because these poor kids are having a terrible time with mood swings!

Seriously, I have never seen teens affected as badly as them.

It’d be bad enough if it was just one,

But it’s all three!

All the time!

It’s a constant headache.

Luckily, despite their chaotic emotional state, all of the Foxes have someone to lean on.

Ok, maybe ‘lean’ wasn’t the right word.

I eventually cracked and aged the teens up early.

(something I never do, but I was at my breaking point).

Almost immediately upon aging up, Harry rolled an unexpected yet delightful want.

I cannot wait for the wedding of these two they are just so adorable.

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