Plum Time

As you may have guessed it from the title generation plum is taking over!

He’s still a child at the moment but he won’t be much longer. And since Mom only has one point left on parenting to master her generation I think it’s time.

Bungee had a long run it’s time to make way for some color!

I missed one of these movie nights back when the family lived in San Myshuno but I got it now.

Family movie night will not be missed again!

Spork has the honor of choosing the films so naturally, the little Beary went with the kids’ movie.

There’s no better way to bring in a new generation than with a fire!

That, my fine simming friends, is a maid who failed to clean the lint tray.

I hope he wasn’t thinking a Beri was going to save him.

Because they don’t do well in a crisis.

Bungee was the only one home and made sure she got herself and her pets to safety.

Poor guy didn’t stand a chance!

Kevin got home from work (as a cop, btw) and started clapping and seemed to be enjoying the whole tragedy.

Talk about inappropriate behavior.

Since we are on the subject of dead sims I’ve made the heart wrenching decision to release all the ghosts to the netherworld.

Playing so many legacies I had to make cuts somewhere to keep the game running smoothly.

It was a tough decision but at least we will have an awesome looking graveyard.

Goose is still wandering around until I change households so enjoy this moment while you can.

Now let’s get back to the prime Beri, Spork.

Since Spork has been low key stalked by Disney Princess Julie they decided to become best friends.

Remember, Julie has the soulmate aspiration so I think you can figure out what I’m planning here.

Spork, like all the Beris is feeling himself:

And is ready for the transition to teenagedom and officially becoming the prime Beri.

Ok, what just happened?

Why are his eyebrows blue?

Yeah, that’s not working for me either Spork.

Right idea, wrong color let’s fix this.

Much better.

So since we are renaissance simming here I decided to let Spork choose his skills and the first thing he did was go fix the dryer.

So, I guess handiness will be one of his talents.

Tricia came out and became as purple as her grandson when she discovered his color of choice.

In case my not-so-subtle hint above about Julie and Spork passed you by, this is for you.

Got it now?

I know what you’re asking yourself.

How in the hell are you going to make that work Zoot?

Where there’s a will there’s a way.

*wink wink*

Look they match!

Spork doesn’t quite understand why he has to have a part-time job since his family is one of the richest in town.

But generational rules must be followed.

At least he has a super sim predecessor who can help him with his skills.

What’s up with Lump lately?

I know I heard someone out there ask that.

Yeah, he’s still adorable.

And loves Boxcar to pieces.

I wish all my Legacy pets got along so well.

That is it for this post my lovelies.

Spork bids you adieu with a random idle dance.

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