Snow White Wraps Up!

It is time to finish off generation Snow White, Natalie.

We started off with one sim and her pooch living in a shack in the woods.

Thank you again, DK for this awesome lady!

She’s since gotten married, built a house with a pool and raised seven children to childhood success.

(At least we will have by the end of this update)

The only constant has been Natalie and her first baby, Peanut are still the best of friends.

Beyond that, the house has grown exponentially and we shall continue to watch it do so through this post.

First up is the youngest Pancake, Peter…

Who was unfortunate to become the gloomiest Pancake of them all.

Sadly he has good reason to be so blue because the Pancakes have lost their first family member.

Poor little Peanut has followed his last thrown ball into the great beyond.

Needless to say, the whole household was hit pretty hard by the loss and their chins are pretty low right now.

They are all dealing with it in their own way.

Jewel has become even more clingy since she lost her good friend.

Julie of course is using her love of the violin to help her with it.

Who’s she entertaining I hear you ask.

That would be her little sister Mabel who mastered her childhood aspiration and finished out grade school in a bear costume.

She then grew into that adorable girl you see above who loves dogs as much as her mom and wants to become a painter extraordinaire.

Next up is the current eldest child in the home, Lisa who decided to upgrade the clothesline all on her own…

Just before blowing out the candles on her teen years.

She developed a love for the outdoors as a young adult then moved in with her boyfriend…

I desperately wish I was starting this sentence with finally but we have two more birthdays still to go not just one.

First was Julie:

Who made the cake all by herself because she’s been fulfilling her generational requirements of cooking and cleaning the house every day.

I gave her the soulmate aspiration, because, why not?

Next up was Peter:

Who aced his artistic prodigy in record time with special thanks to Vincent’s constant visits and the boys’ playtime on the dollhouse.

Peters become a gloomy music lover who somehow always has a smile on his face.

Obviously, some time has passed and the Pancakes aren’t feeling these two empty slots in their household so they decided to fill it.

No, not with babies.

I think this family can lay off those for a bit.

With puppies!

In honor of Peanut:

The family picked two random small breeds from the agency.

Whom, based on their traits, may end up being troublesome.

I can tell you Jewel isn’t quite sure what to make of them.

They certainly can’t replace Peanut.

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