A Day in the Life of a Pancake

Today we’ll be learning about a typical day in the life at the Pancake home.

Eww. C’mon that’s no way to make an introduction Bob

Bob generally rolls out of bed around noon and enjoys the quiet of the bathroom before heading out into the rest of the home.

He then heads to the kitchen to prepare pancakes. Because yes, I have him make pancakes and only pancakes for breakfast every single day.

Usually, there’s then a cake to be made for someone’s birthday.

This time that someone is Bridget.

Bridget grew into goofball and was one of my favorite of the children to play She moved in with her older sister Theresa, most likely never to be seen again. However I have some thoughts on that if things work out with Julie like I want.

There’s usually music playing in the house and not always from the loud teenagers.

Julie has been diligently playing the violin every day.

She may look less than impressed but Bob enjoys it. Your own worst critic is yourself.

Julie has also started her generations cleaning rules early, more to get Zoot in the habit than anything else.

She also makes sure to do her homework the second she gets home.

Somehow, despite everything she does she still finds time to frolic in the pool.

After checking on the bigger kids, Bob always takes the time to read a toddler to sleep (because there’s always one in the house) if he’s off from work that day.

Soon he’ll have to make time for two because Mabel isn’t going to be the only toddler anymore.

Because toddler number 7 Peter is here!

And who would have thought the wild child and silly child would get along so well? The double toddlers didn’t last long because Mabel’s birthday has arrived.

Peter isn;t too worried about being the lone toddler in the home he has plenty of personality to make up for it.

Mabel went from wild to hot-headed and like many of the other Pancakes is after a creative aspiration.

We have an extra special birthday for the day in the life of a Pancke now.

Julie’s teenage years have finally arrived.

Technically, according to the rules her story officially begins now but considering we still have two children with aspirations to complete, Natalie will still be in charge for just one more post.

Unless, of course, she comes back pregnant, that’d throw a wrench in the works.

So Julie your teen years are your own.

Just cook and clean like a good Cinderella.

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