

We are back!

And we have a baby to deliver.

Is the panic still necessary at child no. 6?

Let’s get this over with, we know the drill by now.

Baby number 6 is another little girl, Mabel.

That makes 5 girls 1 boy so far

Peanut is always in the way.

By sitting here ‘protecting’ the baby he causes routing issues.

By sitting by his best friend the toilet he causes ‘shameful sim issues’.

And while we are on the subject.

Why do these two look so upset?

The foods waiting for them and yet they look like they haven’t eaten in days.

But enough canines we need to get back to the kids, because you know 7!

(Who’s idea was it I do this challenge again?)

So at the moment we only have to deal with one toddler (thank the sim gods for small blessings) in the little Julie.

Julie is especially close to Dad but soon she’ll have to share the baby love.

Because baby Mabel…

is now toddler Mabel!

That’s totally how she aged up, how cute is she?!

Surprisingly there has been zero sibling rivalry and Julie was excited the very day Mabel was brought home.

She’s an adorably pudgy…

Wild Child!

This toddler trait and silly (spoiler alert the next one is silly) almost never roll for me with the legacy trait generator.

Luckily for Zoots sanity, they weren’t toddlers at the same time for long.

Julie grew into a very pretty young lady.

I mean did you expect anything else?

I bet you didn’t know Cinderella was a kleptomaniac though, did you?

Now there are three little girls running around the house.

Lisa mastered her scamp aspiration just like her older brother Vincent by boogieing down in the living room.

Now she can help walk the dogs like everyone else who’s mastered their childhood aspirations.

Soon the family was back to just the two kids running around because Bridget had a birthday as well.

Now she’s not only a slob but she’s also clumsy.

Isn’t that giving her two ‘bad’ traits?

We have one more birthday!

Are you excited?

I can’t hear you!

Alright alright, settle down.

Eldest child Theresa grew into an unflirty adult and we kicked her out.


Before we tell Dad though Vincent has far more surprising news…

Ok now we can tell Bob.

He can’t believe his ears!

Don’t worry Bob it’s the last time!

I hope…

I mean I promise, yeah that’s it, I promise.

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