Hectic Household

Strap yourselves in because there’s a lot coming at ya.

We start with a birthday!

Seven eventual kids means lots of birthdays! So I hope you enjoy pictures of sims blowing out birthday candles!

Do you remember who this adorable young sim is?

That was the second (insane – now eccentric) dwarf Vincent.

And this…

is Vincent now

Vincent is now not only a few sandwiches short of a picnic but also a great big kid (aka childish).

Vinny aspires to befriend the world and has started by bringing home his adorable neighbor Isabella.

After school, our first male Pancake rolled…

1st kiss…



And a passionate kiss for good measure.

While all this was going on with Pancake no. 2, Pancake number 5, Julie our future Cinderella became a toddler.

I said there’d be lots of birthdays right?


Because it’s Papa Bob’s turn.

And toddler Lisa was not far behind.

While her daddy and bigger sister are getting older little Julie’s first action was some time with the wabbit tablet.

And although their youngest has only just become a toddler Bob decided it was already time to expand the family once again.

and it looks like he succeeded

Soon enough we knew for sure.

Natalie had to let Bob know as soon as possible and I find the lack of surprise in his face most comical.

The ever-amorous couple were soon once again seen in each other’s arms.

and let me just say I’m glad she’s already pregnant

In case you are unaware of the rules for generation one of this challenge, all of these little mites have to master their childhood aspirations.

In order to make this much easier it’s best to start the toddlers off the best we can.

So far all of the Pancake children have mastered all tot skills so Lisa’s rambunctious scamp aspiration is already on a quest for success.

With so many sims/pets in the house, the home is in a constant state of disarray that someone needs to deal with.

At the moment that someone is Natalie.

Luckily she’s not alone and her eldest children are lending a hand wherever they can.

Be it helping to care for the youngest Pancakes…

Giving them attention when Mom needs some non-mom time.

Helping to clean up the constant mess.

Or cooking dinner.

As of right now the family is working together to make it through this hectic time in the Pancake household.

But despite the chaos, there are lots of laughs.

And soon little Julie will have to shoulder the whole burden of running the home.


Yes, really.

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