Are you my mother?

Living in Oasis Springs can be tough sometimes.

What with the constant abductions and all.

Aliens seem to spawn like mad in this town no wonder all the commercial lots are alien-themed.

To make things worse for Jamie besides being constantly probed his families old dog Gebek was called upon by the Reaper.

But all his new neighbors that this friend of the world immediately befriended did all they could to keep our guy in good spirits.

With the loss of the dog, his cat needed a friend. No matter how much time Jamie spent with her in between work, school, and constant visits from friends, family, and abductions the poor kitty was still never satisfied socially. So Jamie went to Brent and got himself a little kitten friend who’d always be there for his cat friend.

Luckily they immediately got along and now no one in the house is ever lonely.

Two sim weeks later and at least a dozen Jamie abductions later Jamie was starting to feel the effects of his constant late-night visits.

There’s definitely something very wrong.

Jamie’s never really been a small sim but things are getting out of control.

He tried taking up basketball for some exercise but physical activity was never really his thing.

That was always more his sisters’ thing.

So no matter how hard he tried things just got worse and worse. Soon he looked like he swallowed a whole juice keg.

But of course, he powered through the now debilitating pain to finish his presentation before the damn burst.

Ultimately resulting in an oddly colored young baby girl.

Clearly, he’d been impregnated on one of the beaming ups and vowed to take special care of the little girl.

The first step was attempting to get in a little bit better shape so he could be around to take care of her longer.

When she grew into a toddler mimicking the same appearance as her father Jamie was relieved.

It’s definitely safest if she tries to appear as normal as possible who knows what other sims would think if they learned her true origins.

Remembering some of the stories his mother would tell of her fellow scientists’ experiments Jamie’s not about to take any unnecessary risks with his little girl’s life.

He may not have asked for this but Joanna is his world and the light of his life.

With his adult years now ahead of him and a graduate from school Jamie is making better money to secure her future and can devote even more time to her.

For her birthday he planned a party at a park, ever spoiling his daughter.

The only kid there, surrounded by adults.

Eventually, she just got so bored with their inane chatter she wandered over to the swingset and as the party wound down Dad joined her.

Turns out Jo is an active kid who loves to play outside and in a short time Jamie had the whole yard transformed just for her.

She’s allowed to play as long as she wants and Dad doesn’t put much pressure on her academically but his one rule is that they always have dinner together as a family when he gets home from work.

Jo loves her dad and their small little family but one question is nagging at her and she just doesn’t understand why her father never answers:

Why don’t I have a mommy?

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