Disney Villains Prequel

Did you ever wonder how the Disney Villains founder came to be?

Well in the case of Zoot, you are going to find out.

A young Fox fell in love with Malcolm Langraab.

Young Daphne is a good sim but with villainous aspirations so her matchup with Malcolm doesn’t make too much sense to me but who am I to argue with true love?

She has moved to Oasis Springs with her fiancee and was delighted to meet her future parents-in-law. She wished there was something she could do for them to show her appreciation for having her in their home but she just doesn’t have any skills.

But Malcolm just kept telling her how much his parents loved pufferfish nigiri for breakfast and eventually, he convinced her to learn how to make it.

As you can tell she wasn’t too delighted with the prospect and her husband’s delightful glee when she agreed to cook the meal was a bit disconcerting. Yet once again he reassured her with the news he already bought the fish and it was top of the line.

She couldn’t possibly mess it up.

So while Malcolm distracted his lovely fiancee with stories from work with The Family his parents pretended the awful dish was delightful. Daphne was just too sweet and frankly too good for their son for them to lose her and not make her feel welcome.

Until Nancy’s dish didn’t sit quite right with her.

Malcolms’ story was so captivating Daphne didn’t even realize what was happening to her would-be mother-in-law.

But once Nancy’s head dropped to the table there was no way to not notice then.

As the Grim Reaper arrived Malcolm stood from his meal but for some reason never stopped eating it.

Perhaps he should have put the plate down.

Looks like Grim has his work cut out for him with this family.

With the complete lack of response from Malcolm it begs the question: was this intentional?

Now that his parents are out of the picture he can refocus his attentions on getting back to becoming a public enemy while he has the Landgraabs home redone.

Soon the house was done (home by Thomas TV).

Malcolm’s definitely rubbing off on our good version of a public enemy. Despite the fact she murdered two people she was almost not affected by the entire situation. She and Malcolm have become even more inseparable since.

Nothing like a double murder to bind a couple.

With the parents out of the way, Malcolm was finally ready to have that wedding with Daphne that she’d always wanted.

Although they are undoubtedly evil they make a beautiful couple you have to agree.

For better or more likely for worse they are now together forever.

With the beautiful ceremony behind them, they were able to truly enjoy themselves.

During the wedding, Daphne discovered that their overly amorous relationship has led to some rather exciting news.

Malcolm was less than enthusiastic about the news.

As Malcolm has been climbing the ranks in The Family and becoming a public enemy he received some advice from the most unlikely of people.

The Boss- Pandora Beri

Honestly, I just think she’s jealous someone else is taking on her role.

Daphne hasn’t started in on her enemy hunt yet so her reputation is just fine right now but we however know what lurks behind that smile.

She makes a rather cute momma to be and she is clearly delighted for the baby.

Her child is already her main focus and I think we can expect this baby to be very well pampered by their momma.

Her twin sister Velma is super excited for her sister.

For Velma, their lives were never in competition but Daphne always felt she came second to the heir. This time she can’t help but gloat.

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