Take it Down a Notch

Here we go again!

Do you think Bob knocked up Natalie while we were gone?

I mean, come on. Was there any doubt?

How hysterical is it she’s telling him while she’s finding out?

Typically I don’t let Sims check to see if they’re pregnant but I was running out of days in my rotation with the family so I had to rush it along.

There was no way I was dealing with all these flipping kids another week!

I mean just look at at them!

They’re a menace!

This kid grew up in the last update but somehow there’s a picture of her in this one!

There’s no escape!

*cries hysterically*

Deep breaths Zoot, let’s keep it together here we have a job to do.

I’ll be alright…

Alright, in the last part, Bridget aged up and I told you she was as active as her older brother. Which is semi-accurate.

Her aspiration is actually social butterfly but the jungle gym was the easiest place to go and make friends.

Her best friend is surprisingly her mean bullly older sister Theresa.

Theresa is a menace and is constantly plagued with mood swings.

We took advantage of her miserable attitude to terrorize the neighborhood for her mischief aspiration.

Neener, neener, neener.

What are you wearing?!

Fix yourself!!

Come at me, bro!

Vincent is am much more pleasant sim and quietly dances his way to aspiration success.

Natalie is slowly expanding.

For the fifth flippin’ time.

She still tries to get a walk in with her pups.

Though the dog’s well-being has mainly become the responsibility of the kids.

And Bob on his days off.

Bob has really been a great spouse and despite all his horrible traits attempts to help keep the house clean.

We may need to keep away from the dryer though.

I mean I know not cleaning the lint filter is dangerous but this is excessive.

The mess in the house was probably a contributing factor as well.

Thanks for the help kids.

Bob had to put himself out.

I try not to make sims fight fires on their own and instead choose their own fate. However, Natalie still needs more kids so Zoot intervened.

Besides Bob’s mishap, with the kids being more self-reliant Nat has actually been able to get some work done and contribute to the families’ funds.

The future doesn’t rest on just your shoulders, Bob.

We shall end yet another update at the hospital.

Here we go again.

Looks like the chief os staff Caleb was killed in for the special occasion.

Because it’s another girl and our little Cinderella, Julie is born.

That was a rough three weeks…

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