Never Alone

Whooo are you?

Who, who, who, who

I really want to know

You are the second doctor because the first (your hot-headed mother) is ready to retire.

Ho, ho, ho

Happy Winterfest Jamie!

You get a pet all your own, plus there was a townie reckoning and all their pets were reallocated. So a bonus for you as you take control.

And that ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between is how you cover the fact you didn’t take any in-game pictures for almost 2 sim weeks.

Jamie’s entire teen years.

Gold star to Zoot.


Jamie is a people person doctor, unlike his analytical mother. So he loves a good party and has way too many friends.

Seriously if you invited all his friends the game would break. Just fall into a black hole never to be seen again.


And no one wants that.

By the time I got to this house, I finally had eco-living up and running and the neighborhood seems to be well, bad.

Fighting is encouraged?

I mean who came up with these action plans?

Certainly not Jamie with all his friends coming over all the time the last thing he needs is a repeat of this birthday party.

Besides after one final walk with her dog Gebek, Dorothea and Mark are heading to a Sulani retirement home.

That just leaves Jamie with his pets and a crummy neighborhood.

:bulb: EUREKA :bulb:

It’s time to move to somewhere less fabulously rich and famous and more Jamie.

Welcome to the kitchiest neighborhood in Oasis Springs. Where they value the creative arts not random acts of violence. This is a place Jamie is proud to call home.

Jamie fits right in with his love of music and goofy personality.

Maybe he should get some flamingos for the yard?

But flamingos don’t come for free, every sim has got to work, and being the sim lover he is Jamie works in politics.

But not that power-mad political crap he focuses on charity and actually helping the people.

Quite frankly he’s really good at converting people to his cause and would make a fantastic proper politician. But he’d rather volunteer his time and work one one-on-one with the public.

It’s so much more rewarding to make new friends.

Not long after moving in our sim of the people had to have a house party. This time without all the fighting.

Life is simply perfect.

A sim can go out, protest, and help the people then enjoy a good streak on Snow Bunny Day.

Then come back home to your green neighborhood where the sun shines that much brighter.

And at night?

Oh Watcher the skies are absolutely beautiful.

A sim can breathe out here.

However, there is one hiccup.

But if you surround yourself with friends and get the best out of every day you can almost forget what happens real late at night.

With all his charity work Jamie is out a lot and if you’re already out why not enjoy yourself?

Late-night dinner?

Not a problem for a sim like Jamie he could get any number of friends to meet up with him. But sometimes a family-oriented sim just needs to be with family.

With the final day of winter upon him naturally, yet another party was in order.

Just when Jamie was getting ready to wind down for the night and wake up to a new spring day. After all his friends left …


came again.

Why does it seem like they just will not leave him alone?

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