Successful Children

Welcome back!

As you can see our latest addition has grown up. But before we get to the babies I think we should check in with our founder.

For once she isn’t pregnant and she was actually able to do things besides eat and sleep.

She spent most of her time with the dogs and working on herself. Because who knows how long this non pregnant phase will last.

Her birthday also came around.

For those who may be wondering I have aging on for pregnant women. I mean Natalie would be practically immortal if I didn’t.

Our main Pancake got herself a makeover for her more mature years.

She seems to approve.

After one last moment of solitude with Peanut,

it’s time we got to know our newest addition, Lisa.

Lisa is a charmer just like her older sister Bridget and the faces these Pancakes make are priceless.

Her favorite things are the teddy,

and the dollhouse.

She is just an overall sweet kid.

Vincent’s turn.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love insane sims?

As I previously stated Vincent is a rambunctious scamp so we sent him to the local jungle gym.

Where he neglected to level motor skill and leveled social instead, making a bunch of new friends.

I guess he won’t be finishing his aspiration in record time like Theresa.

From now on it’s the monkey bars for you, buddy!

You also need to start helping out with walking the dogs.

This mod makes me so happy.

Bridget’s turn!

Little Bridge received the unfortunate slob trait and is as active as her older brother Vinny.

I seem to have forgotten to take a picture but it’s Theresa’s turn.

She’s so cute but sadly her personality leaves plenty to be desired.

She became a loner chief of mischief, which isn’t too bad but coupled with mean she’s a menace! I almost feel bad saying it but I can’t wait to kick her out. She’s become rather aggressive and is getting on my nerves

I mean she can be loving and supportive.

But if I don’t micromanage her she’ll be yelling at the dogs and teasing her siblings indiscriminately.

*shakes head*

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