The Bachelor Finale

Welcome back to the Landgraab mansion where the competition has reached it’s conclusion. Everyone has gathered outside for the final ring ceremony.

All of the scores for the last two weeks have been tallied and there is a clear and definite winner. A sim who did more for the harmony of the home and made the Bachelor felt loved while he bestowed his affections on them.

That sim was not Sooty.

Soot had always been the Watchers favorite well once her first pick died tragically and Sooty always seemed to be trying her hardest to become the next Mrs. Landgraab. With the final round however Sooty just seemed to no longer be interested in any of it anymore.

Only scoring 16 points not even half of the top contestant.

Ultimately it seems she just gave up.

Onyx may be a psychopath but he is isn’t heartless. Sooty had clearly been in it to win it for a long time so he wished her the best for her future.

The next two contestants to be let go were neck and neck in the final tally scoring 21 and 23 and so they were let go together.

These two had both been giving their all since they entered the mansion so it was fitting they would be losers together.

But really one couldn’t be expected to break up two sims finding love in the most insane place imaginable.

Now that they were free of their contract they were finally able to act upon those feeling that everyone had noticed and they were contractually obligated not to show.

That left the presenting of the ring to the clear winner. The final entrant but the sim whodefinitely showed the fiercest competitive spirit and drive to be Mrs. Landgraab, Yvette.

Even the Watcher has to admit they seem almost destined to be together. Ever since she became a presence in the house Alvin has been enamored and she seems just as infatuated with him.

The future is for them.

Not to mention her score of 39, nearly doubling and completely decimating the competition proves her dedication to this man and the Landgraab name.

With her mother winning the day that means Queen will be heir. Becoming the first female heir in the family. It’s almost as if her mother knew her fate when she chose to name her child.

With the competition over things in the mansion could become much more normal and routine.

The children begin to thrive and the Landgraabs soon feel like their namesake again when they once hire staff to deal with the more menial tasks that are not meant for their fingers.

From this point things do indeed become more routine.

With special attention of course given to the Queen.

The other kids don’t seem to mind, they get their time with their dad when they can.

In fact they even enjoy spoiling the little queen themselves. She is just that loveable.

The happy couple of such a large brood decided to not have a big wedding event. Just getting to this stage was enough work so they took a few hours to head to the city and tie the knot at the romance festival. Yvette really doesn’t have a lot of time between school and working with her dance team to plan a proper traditional wedding.

It’s a good thing she is our winner because some of these sims are just hopeless. Not even learning anything after death.

Queen of hearts of running to an end as the next Queen grows up and becomes that much closer to taking over her familial responsibilities.

Duchess and her are ready for the new stage of life.

Looks like the kids really are going to be alright.

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