Expanding Pancakes

We’re back for more baby madness!

Because no surprise:

Mean little Theresa got through her aspiration in a record-breaking 3 sim days.

She may have the mean trait but she’s surprisingly loving to her siblings.

Vincent has a new toddler buddy to play with because Bridget aged up.

Just like with Theresa Vincent loves his little sister.

Hope you’re not tired of pancakes already Bridge as that’s all we make in this family.

As with all the other Pancake children Bridget does what she wants.

After some hard work:

Theresa made is on the honor roll.

She is just pleased as punch with herself. The little overachiever.

While the babies napped in the enchanted wood.

I decided to upgrade from Natalies original shack.

Um, voila?!

It’s terrible, I realize, but I’m no builder, and I was in a rush. I could have downloaded something, but then I’d lose the wood, and I’m too lazy to rebuild that.
I suppose the roof should be flat for starters. Eventually, I want to have a huge wrap around porch as I expand this home as the legacy progresses. For now, this monstrosity is all they could afford.

The house may not be much to look at, but it fulfills its purpose for the family.

I mean it’s nice to have a dececnt sized bathroom to help take care of the children.

Even if it is sparsely furnished.

Gotta be patient and make some money first.

It’s just about time for Vincent’s birthday.
For some reason, I thought a party was in need.

That’s right Natalie ignore the old Beri you’re not allowed to talk to old ladies remember?

Why a toddler needs a party is beyond me but Vinny enjoyed himself.

What would the insane dwarf be called?


Maybe Nat and Bob should rethink their non-interference policy with the toddlers their kids are developing some strange traits.

Just like with Theresa, we don’t have time to consider the parents part in their children’s newfound traits because we are back at the hospital.

Here’s Lisa


No more I beg of you!

Vinny, besides being flipping crazy, is a rambunctious scamp. Lucky for the Pancakes, there’s a jungle gym nearby, so we don’t have to spend the precious few simoleons we have left after Zoots horrible house remodel.

I do love his cheeks.

He truly seems to be the crazy center of the Pancake home. Everyone loves him and rolls Vinny wants constantly.

So maybe he’s the butter?

Or perhaps the syrup?

God I really want Pancakes now.

Now that we have 2 kids a toddler and a baby it’s alot harder to get these dogs out for their walk so I got to thinking there has to be a way to let the kids do it.

Oh, there was!

Thank heavens for modders this will make my life much easier.
It looks a little strange because the animation isn’t made for kids, but I can overlook that.
Why EA in their ultimate wisdom didn’t do this from the start is beyond me.

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