Poor but Happy

Our first Disney baby, Theresa, is already running around.

The first thing this little gal decided to do was imitate Peanut.

The faces this kid makes are hysterical.

Peanut isn’t the only dog in the Pancake home.

Jewel is right up in her business as well.

I mean give the kid some space Jewel.

Even with a troublesome toddler running around the Pancakes still manage to find time…

… to organize the closet?

After the mornings’ organization, Bob heads to work and Natalie takes Jewel out for her walk.

After their walk, it was time to head to their vet appointment.

Malcolm was low key stalking Natalie during the visit.

(The things that happen to you sir Malcolm.. see Disney Villains).

After finally getting some assistance Natalie was starving and headed to the spice festival.

In case you haven’t noticed I love the faces she makes.

Then her and her pups headed back home.

Jewel was happy to get home to her toys, it had been a rough day.

The next day we found out why Natalie was so hungry after only a few small hours.

You see what had happened was I changed risky woohoo to 33% so I don’t have to worry about them not hitting this seven kid mark.

It won’t be just Theresa and the puppies much longer.

They are a cute little family though.

Sadly this challenge won’t let me keep them like this.

Isn’t Bob looking good?

Even in a state of panic.

Baby no. 2 Vincent

When they returned the little ones had to greet them.

Natalie’s priorities may be a little out of whack.

Bob, in case you were wondering, is an excellent parent.

Him and Theresa are always glued to the TV.

When I saw them both so enraptured by the television I had to know what they were watching.

Really Bob?!

It’s a kids movie how surprising could it be?

I swear you’d think he was the childish sim not Natalie.

He’s very good with the dogs too.

Jewel hates being parted from him.

But she’ll happily get hugs from Natalie when Bob’s at work.

There’s always playtime with Peanut too.

Everything is good in the Pancakes home right now.

They may be poor but they have each other.

And of course two little terrors.

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