Mischief and Kisses

The humor and hijinks festival came to town and of course, Bob invited Nat out.

Naturally, our sweet princess had to join the jokesters.

She got to know and joked around with some new people

while Bob listened to a live set.

The jokesters tried their best but the pranksters had a Beri on the team.

Fun fact: This is Wlma Beri from NsB parents

They didn’t stand a chance.

They had a good time anyways and all fireworks are fun no matter what color they are.

Just ask Bob.

Peanut was there to greet Nat after her failed foray into mischief.

Bob’s next visit to the home I thought it was time these two finally tied the knot.

Initially I was going to wait but then I thought what am I waiting for, she doesn’t know anyone!

Who’s she going to invite to this wedding Bob’s ex-wife?

Later I discovered she had actually befriended Wilma Beri but still that’s no wedding party.

With the marriage complete Bob and Jewel moved in.

No influx of funds though that seemed like cheating. So let’s just say he gave it all to charity.

Luckily both the pups get along real well.

There’s lots of love in the house.

They are cute though, aren’t they?

Nat and Bob had a convo about him dressing more like he wants and not what people expect from him.

They are both much happier with his more relaxed style.

With Bob’s extra income they were finally able to buy…

Wait for it…

A TV!!

Talk about living the high life.

Natalie is now very pregnant.

Luckily she’s a sim who deals with it easily, unlike some others I’ve played.

Which is a good thing considering how many of these kids she’s expected to pop out.

Before we knew it, it was go time!

The ever reliable Caleb welcomed another baby into the world.

Something tells me this won’t be our only visit to the maternity ward.

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