Last Birthdays

It’s that time.

Time for our families last birthdays.

Graham may only be turning into a young adult but with his vampiric blood that’s as far as it goes for him.

As you can see Graham received all the extra benefits from great parents. Though he just managed to eek out conflict resolution.

The random trait generator decided our self-assured, loner vampire should be a vegetarian of all things!

I guess that plasma fruit was really good. The random trait generator loves to test my skill.s

Since Graham is our heir I thought the alluring visage would be handy to get this family on their way to generation 3. I think it’s working.

What other way to end a party than with a friendly sparring match?

Graham won of course, working to be a master vampire is a lot of work.

Nanny still taking care of her charge.

I decided not to do much with Graham after his birthday and I think he approved of the choice.

As for a career, Graham is working in journalism.

He wrote in his journal a lot when he was younger so he had the skills to advance here quickly.

This wonderful shot shows a typical day in the Fox home.  Rosa and Graham at the chess table while Glenn plays the guitar.

” You’re an adult now and you may be immortal but me and you father aren’t. So… when are you going to give us some grandkids.” – Rosa

Rosa you’re lucky that Graham isn’t as indecisive as you were.  Not long after meeting this pretty lady (Melissa Deddens) he wanted to make her his girlfriend.

Leave it to Graham to pick a sim I cannot find in my mess of favorites on the gallery.

And, well…

Well Graham had had his final birthday it’s time to wake up to a new day.

Because it is now Glenns turn to celebrate his final birthday.

Old age did nothing to dampen his handsome smile…

or his desire to ‘test out the new hot tub’.

Fox Legacy: Last Birthdays-[C]It's that time.

[C]Time for our families last birthdays.

[C]Graham may only be turning into a

It was only a couple days later and after a fun trip to the Spice Festival that it was Rosas turn to celebrate her own final birthday.

Now before you ask why Rosa and Glenn didn’t have more children I’ll tell you.

I wait for my sims to roll the try for baby want, which, these two never did, even for Graham, I had to force them if I wanted my legacy to continue.

After he was born however Glenn decided he liked being a parent and almost immediately rolled the want to try for another.

Rosa, however, did not.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

She did roll it after their family trip to Granite Falls but by then she was too old. (I don’t let pregnancies occur when they are under the 20 days to elder mark.)

So there you have it. It’s Rosas fault and since she is the founder it was her choice.

From here things move rather quickly.


Melissa called Graham for a date at the café and the moment they arrived Graham rolled the marriage want.

(Not sure Melissa was expecting this when she invited him out.)

Graham just had to wait a few days before he finally got a day off for him to hold a wedding ceremony with his beloved.

Sadly Melissa decided to hop in the pool before they made it to the wedding arch so things are looking kinda odd.

But, the important thing is that they are now married and the family is well on their way to bringing in Generation 3.

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