How Did we Get Here?

Once upon a time there was a simmer named Zoot.

This simmer found a wonderful community called Sims Amino.

Whom without their input and fabulous creators would of never heard of the Not so Berry challenge or the one we are about to undertake.

When her one year anniversary was approaching she decided to host a little collaborative competition.

In this competition a sim was born and given a backstory by a wonderful member of this community.

There were only a few entries but Zoot enjoyed them all and hopes those that did enter are enjoying whatever pack they requested.

In any competition there can only be one winner and that was:


With the lovely sim:

Natalie Morales

Something about this sim truly spoke to me. And it’s not just because she’s totally adorable.

Her sad tragic story got my creative juices flowing and I knew just what I wanted to do with her and how I wanted to play with her.

So without further ado here’s what Dumbles sim and story got Zoot thinking.

Warning it’s alot of reading!


We’ve been living in these forgotten woods in Newcrest a long time.

It’s been hard.

But, we finally have a roof over our heads.

There’s a little hut back there we managed to put together.

But it wasn’t always there.

Peanut and I would still be sleeping on the ground under the trees if we hadn’t been at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Disney Princess Legacy: How Did We Get Here?-[C]Once upon a time there was a simmer named Zoot. 
[C]This simmer found a wonde

Tattooine is deserted at night so Peanut and I would head there and use their facilities to clean up and scrounge what we could before morning.

Yes it’s trespassing but we had little options.

It was trespass and steal and survive or stick to the woods and slowly rot away.

That’s no choice if you ask me, so there we were, as usual, going through the same routine.

We were headed to the kitchens after getting cleaned up to see what we could find when I heard shouting in the bar across the way.

Something about ‘never liking Pancakes’.

‘Who doesn’t like Pancakes?’ I thought as I quickly disappeared into the restaurant so they didn’t see me.

“Let’s see what we can throw together Peanut.”

As I prepared a quick fruit salad and Peanut gnawed on a leftover chicken leg I heard someone approach.

“I don’t like pancakes!”

It was the first thing that popped in my head. I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there and I just panicked.

When I finally worked up the courage to turn around I saw how upset he was.

He clearly wasn’t there to get me in trouble.

I apologized and tried to comfort him the best I could.

‘Im sorry. Pancakes for breakfast everyday would be, by definition: paradise.’

He chuckled.

We split the fruit salad and we listened to each others troubles.

I told him about my past and living in the woods and sneaking in here to survive.

He told me about his marriage troubles, the divorce his wife is so keen on and of course pancakes.

For hours we spoke.

As the sun started to rise we wished each other the best and headed our separate ways.

It was nice to talk to someone about everything but I never thought I’d see him again.

I couldn’t of been more wrong.

A little over a month later me and Peanut were relaxing by the pool when suddenly he appeared.

‘I signed the papers,’ he said. Looking thoroughly broken and dejected.

‘What am I supposed to do now? It’s been so long I don’t even know what makes me happy anymore.’

‘How do you manage to still smile after everything you’ve been through and continue to go through?’

So, for the next few hours I told him.

My dog Peanut, jumping in puddles, the sound of crackling leaves under my feet as I walk in my little patch of woods.

The world may be rough and cold and dark at times but there’s beauty and light all around if you’re just willing to see it and let it in.

He left that morning still upset but there was now hope in those sad eyes and I thought to myself ‘He’s going to be okay.’

Again the thought of seeing him again, never crossed my mind.

But of course, once again I was very wrong.

It was another eight months before I saw him again and I almost didn’t recognize him.

I’d been lazing in the sauna when he came in.

He’d lost alot of weight and initially I was frightened a perfect stranger had just barged in on me.


Apparently he took my advice, he’d started taking better care of himself. If he was going to get over this rough patch he needed to be happy with himself first, he realized.

He’d moved to a glitzy apartment in San Myshuno, adopted a dog from the local shelter and started a new job at a great restaurant that specialized in gourmet pancakes.

Things were looking up for Mr. Pancakes and there was more to the story.

In the divorce settlement everything in the bank went to Eliza and he got the house.

‘.. in the end she got the short end of the stick’, he laughed.

‘She could never resist cold hard cash even if the house was worth 10x what was in the bank.’

Apparently, she’s now living with a Don Caliente. Which by the smirk on Bob’s face doesn’t bode well for the former Mrs. Pancakes.

But her predicament is not why Bob came back to Tattooine looking for me.

He’d remembered my plight and since I was there for him when he needed me most he hoped to do the same.

‘… it’s not much… But I hope it’s enough to at least get you out of the cold.’

I gaped in shock.

22,000 simoleons!!!

I’d never seen so much money.

It was more than enough to build me and Peanut a little shelter in the woods I’d come to think of as home.

And that brings us to today.

2 years later

“We’ve made it Peanut. Things can only get better from here.”

I’ve started to go after my dream of becoming a children’s author and write everyday.

I’ve earned enough to actually put the notebook down and start writing on a computer.

But I haven’t forgotten the man who made this all possible and due to the magic of social media I found him again.

With that one click I discovered he hadn’t forgotten about me either and we met up for a meal.

Not pancakes.

He was looking better than ever but there’s still such sadness in his face.

Could he ever come to think of me as more than just ‘that poor homeless girl with the ever-cheerful personality’?

Or is my bubbliness too much for such a gloomy disposition?

At this point it’s hard to tell.

For now, I have Peanut.

And for the first time since I was a child…

A future.

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