Graham’s Turn

When we left Graham he was saying goodbye to the days of childhood.

That means he received a new trait and most importantly a lifetime aspiration.

The thing that will define his future.

So what exactly did our 2nd generation heir roll?

Well, I’ll tell ya.

His new trait is loner.

Which makes total sense since he’s spent most of his time alone growing up.

His lifetime aspiration however seems to have been plucked out of nowhere.

(I guess technically it was,it is a random generator)

Honestly, I blame his parents. They always had their heads in vampire books.

Knowledge can be dangerous and it can make your child want to be a Master Vampire!

Yes, that’s right!

Our angelic Graham wants to be the biggest baddest vampire of them all.

Alright, game you got it.

First things first, let’s increase your knowledge of vampires.

That’s a  good start, now we need to befriend some vampires.

Luckily for Graham, they have been stalking the Foxes pretty consistently since they moved in.

I don’t know how our sweet boy managed to befriend the evil Vlad but that he did.

He even convinced the grand master to turn him.

Life’s hard enough as a regular teenager, with the mood swings and, in Graham’s case the never-ending distant phase.

But then you add altering your life state on top of that and life becomes practically unbearable.

Just like when he was a child Graham finds peace when he’s being active.

Enjoy the sun while you can, it won’t be much fun very soon.

Like, very very soon!

Even though their child is now a creature of the night the Foxes still intend to raise a good kid and insist their boy continue to keep up with his schoolwork.

That’s not the only learning Graham needs to undertake now.

With his new powers, he needs to learn how to use them and use them responsibly. Being the responsible parents they are the Foxes introduced Graham to Caleb. A strong vampire who hasn’t lost touch with his humanity.

The perfect mentor for Graham.

Graham is a quick learner…

He even experiments with plasma fruit as a viable option for replacement nourishment.

Good thing dad is such an avid gardener he now has an endless supply.

And with an awesome mod I found it is now actually an option.

Fruit isn’t the only thing Graham has experimented with….

I know we’ve left our founders in the background lately but they are still making sure their son becomes an intelligent and good person.

Something even more important now that he is on his way to becoming a very powerful vampire.

But still, I suppose we should actually check in with them

Rosa and Glenn are still madly in love. So much so, that Rosa has mastered her soulmate aspiration as well as topping the detective career.

Glenn has grown his cowplant and has a beautifully evolved garden. He only needs to master the gardening skill to finish off his aspiration.

Overall, the family is well on their way to creating a successful (possibly immortal) legacy.

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