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Things for the Beris started out normal enough.

Tricia is still addicted to playing with the cat wand.

Bungee learned from Goose and no longer goes near the rock wall.

Kevin is still missing some sandwiches for a picnic.

Spork has been dutifully working on his artistic aspiration.

He’s the most ‘normal’ Beri child yet.


He’s always doing this.

He desperately wants out of the city and Bungee has a job opportunity in Oasis Springs.

Also most of the time he’s giving his mom the eye.

Seriously mom? You expect me to buy that?

Ok, I guess in hindsight he’s not really all that normal and is a bit of a rebel (genius) child.

He’s also a bit upset.

Because things are about to take a turn.


Julie (my Disney Legacy heir) broke in


made dinner.

What the hell is this?

Before I could even process what just happened Tricia died.

She was such a sweet sim it’s tough to see her go.

Of course the families cat, Lump was very upset.

Tricia had a special bond with the Beri kitties.

Goose was devastated for a long while, those two were truly soulmates.

Their relationship reminded me so much of Guppi and Dina

Spork definitely wants out of this house now so once again he asked his mom to take the coaching gig in Oasis Springs

Initially, she tried to talk her way out of it.

But of course, Spork didn’t buy into her excuses and in exasperation

Bungee gave in.

Here they are living in the most exclusive neighborhood in town.

Where a sim can actually stretch their legs.

For the most part I left the house as it was downloaded and just made grey berry adjustments.

They seem happy to me

Sporks good friend Colton came by to see the new digs.

Things were good and they appeared to be adjusting to their new home nicely until the worst happened.

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Some sims you get so attached to and Goose was one of them.

I literally yelled out when he died.

I took his death as hard as his father’s.

Just like with Tricia he took his final breath when everyone was out. The family was still rather upset and Spork took to the bear costume to deal with the loss.

Every Beri child has been especially close to their grandparent.

Tricia had reunited with her beloved Goose before he passed.

But now they can always be together and I will truly miss that face.

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