More Grey Berries

Skidamarink a dink a dink,

Skidamarink a doo,

I love you.

Man what was the name of the kids show that was on?

Song just popped in my head.

And it seemed befitting my love of the adorbz Spork so I used it.

Spork is a typical Beri:

You know, batshippin’ crazy!

Gosh, I hope he didn’t learn that from Gooses experiences in space.

Why his great uncle came to visit in the middle of the day to read him a story is beyond me.

It must be his magnetic personality, that just draws people in.

Bungee has decided to go for a more adult look.

This hair is perfect because that second blonde color is the hair color she was born with.

Her and Kevin are still slowly working on his soulmate aspiration heading out to random dates around the world’s.

Her bestest bud, grandma Princess comes out regularly to check up on her, when she’s not breaking things that is.

These two slobby sims were deeply bonded in their messy ways.

In much the same way Tricia and Kevin are with their neat ways.

And that ladies and gentlemen brings us to our first new grey Beri.

Bet you thought Bungee was having more kids.

You did? Didn’t ya?

We have Spork we don’t need anymore he’s the perfectest little Plum.

Just ask Goose:

After Tricia puts him out

At least we won’t be dealing with that anymore since he’s turning into a grey Beri as well.

And a mighty handsome grey Beri now rockin’ the grandad look.

The actual grey Beri baby is growing up!

And he’s done with the grey.

He’s gone full on Plum!

Beris are coming back next time!

If the rodent doesn’t set the home on fire!

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