Let’s Talk Toddlers

I hope you love toddler pictures because 98% of this post features one.

Alright, first things first.

We need a toddler.

Oh look a toddler!

Graham grew into an adorable little thing.

But let’s be honest, they’re all cute.

I had no idea there was an adorable fox shirt when I named the family so you have absolutely no clue how excited I was when I saw it.

🦊 🦊 🦊

Graham, however, he totally gets it.

Graham rolled the Angelic trait and is quite the happy and cheerful baby.

Except of course when mom and dad have to go to work. Then there’s an absolute meltdown.

But luckily for Graham, he has a nanny he absolutely adores.

Besides there’s always dinner time with Mom, sadly Dad works too late.

There’s always the weekend!

Oh, and Mondays!

Mondays Dad is home all day with the little monster.

The rest of the week (Tues thru Fri) Graham is home with the nanny so he spends a lot of time exploring and playing on his own.

Mom gets home at 6, right when Graham is waking up from his nap. So they have dinner together and get some quality one on one time in.

You may have noticed that the family was able to remodel their kitchen and finally dispel with Rosas old apartment furnishings. I simply love it! Especially the family photos! They make it that much more special.

I hope you enjoyed toddler time because time is up. *frowny face*

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