Generation 2 Arrives!

Hey all!

We have a simple picture update today following Rosa’s pregnancy.

That’s right! Neither of us officially wanted this but there’s a baby on the way!

Alright seriously, whose idea was this?!

You! You did this to me!

Neither of us had a choice in this but you’re going to help me get through it.

Why are things ALWAYS breaking?!

(Seriously need to find a mod for this it’s obnoxious!)

Guys seriously can we just take a minute to appreciate the simple awesomeness of this!

Photo Time!

Go Time!

Get it together Glenn!

Aww, he’s so cute! Made those pregnancy days worth it!

Hopefully he’s heir I don’t think Rosa can handle another pregnancy.

Seriously one of the worst pregnancies ever!

Welcome to the Fox Legacy Graham!

Although neither of them officially wanted children the Foxes are devoted parents.

Papa Fox

Mama Fox

I have no words…

And finally the fly trap.

Why? Because! That’s why!

(and I’d never seen it before)

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