Expectations and Losses

Welcome to Berry Town, Not so Berry fans!

So the pictures here are totally random in the order I took them and I can’t seem to think of a common motif for it so here goes nothing.



This is Scully

Scully is scratching a post.

Scully is getting old.

You never see Scully because she’s got things to do, that don’t involve you silly 2 legged walkers.

Like this guy:

This is Kevin

Kevin is a cop

Kevin is a cop who is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.

Kevin is a cop a few sandwiches short of a picnic who is trying to get buff to impress his active wife.

She’s impressed.

Kevin is a cop who is a few sandwiches short of a picnic who is expecting a child.

That didn’t take long.

Scully is meeting Lump.

Yes, his name is Lump don’t you judge me.

Goose is on fire!…


Lump is adorable.

Kevin is now buff.

Kevin and Tricia are bound together by cleanliness.

Lump is adorable!

Bungee is a tired pregnant lady.

Lump is adorable!








I cant

Fawlty died…

He was Guppis’ pride and joy.

How can we go on?




By being forced


And unwillingly


The Unknown

What the (insert curses here)

Scully died

Bungees too busy to witness her departure

I, however, have seen enough.

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