Bungees Choice

Bungees time to make a choice has come.

It’s time to decide which of these men will help her bring about a plum.

One of these guys is neat.

One is her BFF.

One has a chin!

(That the Beris desperately need in their genes.)

That’s right it’s time to say goodbye to whatever this guys name is.

I wanna say Alvin, Adam, Bruce?

Yeah, I have no idea and he’s out of the picture so who cares?!

Certainly not Bungee!

She’s quite happy with her choice, as am I because these Beris have some weak chins.

The two decided to make things official at a later date,

After Kevin proved his worth by repairing the toilet after some ghost broke it.

(It was probably Princess she’s a menace)

Let’s take a momentary break to enjoy the kitties in their new yellow garb.

Xena and Tricia are thick as thieves, while Scully is off doing her usual thing.

(Whatever that may be)

Unfortunately, Xena didn’t get much time in her new yellow wardrobe before she was called to the great cat tree in the sky.

Naturally, Tricia was crushed and I’m getting tired of writing posts with a death in them. It’s getting really old, not to mention depressing.

In more pleasant news…

Kevin seems to be a rather amorous young man and frequently hits Bungee up for date night.

Their latest foray was at Gasoline Row, which is a great user creation of the old urbz area, and the two got their boogie down.

Kevin’s dance steps impressed our grey berry so much she just had to pop the question.

Then it was time for a celebratory dinner, where Kevin lost some points with his lack of grace with chopsticks.

But Bungee wasn’t that turned off (she is a slob remember).

So we made things uber-official and moved him in and she is all sorts of excited.

Any big news with Kevin comes with a date because our boy wants a soulmate so we have some dating to do.

Yeesh that waiter needs to be deleted!

He has no shoulders!

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