Week One

Meet Rosa Fox! A recent graduate from San Myshuno Police Academy. Rosa is extremely bright (genius) and despite being a bit of a clutz (clumsy) she is very confident (self-assured) in herself and her future.

Rosa has moved into 1310 21 Chic Street.

1310 21 Chic Street by jazzpus

Shortly after moving in Rosa was greeted by the local welcome wagon. Including her new neighbor Penny Pizzaz.

Although hailing from the suburbs Rosa has become quite taken with all the big city has to offer. There’s food available on every street corner and for a lady who works long hours, it’s nice to be able to get a hot meal inside her quickly without always having to cook. Or, even worse, live on a steady diet of pizza.

Yet, despite her limited time at home Rosa does (sometimes) find the time to refine her cooking skill. You can’t found a legacy without knowing how to feed it!

Soon it was time to head down to police headquarters to start her career in the police force.

This is the reason Rosa moved out here. She always wanted to be a cop, well a detective to be more accurate, and San Myshuno has the best police force in the world. She could think of nowhere better to start her fledgling career.

This early in her career Rosa is assigned a quiet patrol in Forgotten Hollow. Not much to do out there but keep that brain of hers in tip-top condition for any future success.

It takes more than just brains to make it to the detective bureau. You need to prove yourself on the streets as well and sometimes that means you need braun as well.

Luckily the police station has state-of-the-art facilities for the force to use.

Simtopia Police Station by Zita1966

Despite being a member of the best police force in the world there are some things you just can’t avoid.

Like cryptic texts from weird old dudes, who then break into your home in the middle of the night and…

Well, Rosa doesn’t remember much but she did find it exceptionally hard to focus at work the next day.

Her first time helping on a big case too. Someone decided it was a great idea to vandalize the bowling alley. This wasn’t just some quick prank either they took their time and did thousands of simoleons worth of damage.

Rosa accumulated clues at a rather rapid pace. Perhaps too rapidly because they were conflicting and when she issued the APB and went out to where their suspect was spotted she brought the young girl back to the station…

Only to discover the young lady was ‘innocent’.

**I dealt with this for two sim days and the game never generated a proper suspect. After Rosa received her promotion to officer she quit and then rejoined hopefully the next case will receive some actual closure.***

Despite the issues at work Rosa remains upbeat and has taken a keen interest in vampire lore.

Rosa’s lifetime aspiration is to find a soulmate.

Not the easiest task in the world when you work 12 hours a day and your main source of contact is with the less-than-desirable members of society.

So when Rosas weekend finally came around she took advantage and headed out to a restaurant with every eligible man she had come across. There were a couple of gentlemen from work, Akira Kibo and Joaquin Le Chien. After getting to know one another over a meal they all headed to a nightclub. Sadly however Rosa was not feeling so well (food poisoning) and had to call it a night. But not before she contacted the restaurant and received a full refund. Food poisoning may have been a blessing in disguise since she really didn’t have that kind of money to be spending anyways.

:heart: Dancing :heart: by josielita

Rosa got home super late that night absolutely dead on her feet.

What I failed to notice was that after Rosa’s promotion she no longer had the next day off. So 8 am came around fast for poor Rosa who didn’t get home until 4.  As a result, Rosa took the day off and recovered from her food poisoning. She also took the opportunity to head down to the bowling alley to continue her search for mister right.

While there she ran into Don Lothario, whom she met briefly at the nightclub the night before and the two took in a game together.

The Bowling Underground by FrostyGGandMom

While at the lanes Akira called and asked if she wanted to try another dinner. This time just the two of them and Rosa of course agreed.

They met up for a late meal at the Ivory Cast Iron Pan (created by slawfishnubu) an all-night diner nearby.

The pair hit it off and ended the night with a kiss.

It was back to work the next day where Darsh (let’s call him Dash from here on out because seriously ea what kind of name is that?!) asked Rosa if she wanted to head to the bowling alley after work.

They had hit it off at the group meal so Rosa agreed.

Emboldened from her date with Akira the night before Rosa’s confidence was through the roof and she very quickly wanted that first kiss.

This time, however, she also wanted more. Luckily for Dash, he chose the bowling alley and they had a semi-quiet and private place for that.

After the date timer wound down Rosa headed to the gym. She may be looking for her soulmate but she still has a bright career ahead of her and she needs to stay at the top of her game.

Wild Mountain Gym by silversimmer007

Once again while she was out Akira called for yet another dinner date. Luckily for him, Rosa had worked up quite an appetite at the gym and agreed to meet him at the Chinese restaurant next door.

Doraibi’s Restaurant by Novahawk35

This time Rosa rolled some wants Akira hadn’t unlocked for her before.

It’s almost as if with every romantic success Rosa is emboldened and more courageous to take the plunge in her quest for true love. Or perhaps just a quick shag. Who can say?

After a week of work and soulmate searching Rosa’s romantic prospects have grown substantially from just a week previously.

So what do you think of our founder of founders? Do you think her future love is one of the men we’ve already met or is he still out there?

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