The First Doctor

So here we are about to be entering the Not so Doctor Who legacy. A personal concoction of mine obviously heavily inspired by the Not so Berry challenge and the Doctor Who TV show. I chose to call it Not so Doctor Who because if you wanted to do a proper Doctor challenge you’d be doing the time lord challenge. (Which is a real thing and you should totally look it up.) But that doesn’t fit my playstyle, I’m a legacy gal so I’ve started adapting each doctor into different generations as I watch them.

But before we can officially transition generation zero needs to move out, which they are not doing until the girls grow up.

Felix and Gretchen have been one of the most romantic couples I’ve had yet and can usually be found in each others arms.

Since the girls have reached the end of their high school days. (I know that was quick right?) Mom and Dad decided to take them on a mini vacation to Granite Falls. But there will be no tents for this famous clan they rent a rather nice bungalow.

Whoever said a vacation in the woods had to be uncomfortable? Vicki even found something to cool her enemy aspirations.

Her sister tried to show off her awesome diving skills to her followers but well there was a wardrobe malfunction.

Looks like she’s showing off more than she planned.

As usual, Felix is oblivious and actually spent the camping trip in the outdoors or should that be out in the outdoors? Eh, whatever he was fishing.

The family’s dog Kal also enjoyed the outdoor aspect of Granite Falls.

The Who’s were very refreshed after their vacation and just in time for the girls’ birthday.

Although her sister Victoria is the public enemy Dodo receives the hot-headed trait while Vicki fell in love with the outdoors after the family’s vacation.

But now with the girls old enough to take over for the family, mom and dad can retire. Leaving Dodo to start off Zoots Not so Doctor Who Legacy.

For generation one the scientist career is required and Dodo takes to it with zeal.

Ever the workaholic she even uses her coworkers in her experiments.

Which sometimes, somehow leads to these silly sims thinking Dodo is interested. When these dates don’t go well you can’t really blame Dodo.

You’re the one who asked her out on neighborhood brawl day.

While Dodo is having her own mostly harmless fights Victoria has been relishing her own as she has been making enemies all over town.

Dorothea continues to work and work hard.

But life as a scientist has its entertaining moments when you get to see the results of all that hard work.

And when you find someone who’s willing to compliment you for all that hard work.

Somehow it feels like fate.

Dodo moves fast with her coworker.

Although it’s easy to bring this relationship physical aspect.

And it seems like he’s really interested in her.

Dorothea can’t help but wonder how can she impress him beyond the purely physical.

During a dinner date she gets to know him better and thinks she has found the way to truly impress him.

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