Mean Streak

It’s Berry time.

We are starting with the ever-perilous rock climbing wall.

Scully has every right to look as anxious as Bungee because Goose has yet to master this contraption.

Maybe Bungee will be more lucky, though I’m beginning to think this thing is impossible.

As you know Bungee has been dating Johnny Zest.



He’s not happy

Why isn’t he happy?

Well, that’d be because Bungee was going through a bit of a mean streak (title) and decided to kick him to the curb.

It was his own fault anyways.

He was the one who decided to let himself in.

Bungee took a strange pleasure in this and went from playful to hysterical. I was afraid we were going to lose our heir then and there but she managed to pull through.

Wilma had invited over a vendor to learn how to make samosa that night and Bungee struck up a new friendship.

So, you wanna go bowling with me and my bff? It was supposed to be my boyfriend and myself but we just kinda broke up..


Just like her grandma, Bungee moves on fast.


Of course

she won!

Was there any doubt?

As for generation rose she’s having a rough time and has become more and more dependant on whiskey.

She was never good at dealing with…

well, life…

I suppose.

So these constant abductions are really wearing her out.

Bungee has a boyfriend quota to meet so she decided to make some samosas for the cute vendor and invite him over.


Great to see you again!

So, that’s out of the way… woohoo?

Should we date now?


Omfg, I forgot I made you dinner!

Best girlfriend ever.

Speaking of the best/worst girlfriend of ever Wilma and Princess have been enjoying retirement.

Well, they were anyway.

Princess has left her mortal self behind and the family took it pretty hard.

Except for Tricia, neat and slobby sims usually don’t mix.

Bungee took the loss of Grandma Princess especially hard. They were super close and bonded over their slovenly habits.

I bet Wilma’s going to be deep into the globe tonight…

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