Roses Lilting into Grey

Things have been pretty normal in Beri land.

Well as normal as things go for here.

All the grey hair in the house is making me kinda sad.

Except for Bungees, of course, she’s been rocking it.

Scully hasn’t let her old age slow her down and seems almost more active than before.

She’s certainly more photogenic than she was.

Speaking of photogenic, these two are just too cute.

Before generation, Rose steals the show as she usually does.

Bungee has been busy.

She’s been skilling away.

Though mainly singing because that usually takes forever.

She also may have jumped into this first romance too quickly.

Because a rather amorous visitor came over.

And Bungee just let her ‘heart’ run riot.

Grandma seemed to understand.

Back when I was your age…

But is she really the best role model in the love department?

I mean things have tamed down now and she’s a one-sim gal now.


Princess can barely believe it.

The Roses had a lovely ceremony.

And Bungee realized she had to make things right.

Well, maybe asking someone to be your boyfriend before breaking it off with your actual boyfriend isn’t quite right…

But what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him right?


Bungee can’t help but wonder if she’s turning into her grandmother.

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