Two Sisters

Felix and Gretchen are surrounded by kiddos.

Luckily only two are theirs but I love seeing the legacy kids together. Somehow the Who’s seem to be in their element.

Whether the house is full of kids or just the twins the family’s pets Kal and Gustav are happy with their home life.

The kids are on their spring vacation and Felix decided this was the perfect time to introduce his daughters to the joys of the Humor and Hijinks festival.

The girls enjoyed watching their fun-loving father help bring the jokesters to victory.

The following day was leisure day and the family’s heir Dodo took full advantage of the holiday’s relaxed atmosphere and also perhaps exhaustion from being up so late at the festival was a factor.

When her parents finally woke up (how do adults sleep so long?) they headed to the spa and mom introduced the girls to the sauna.

While dad was being tortured (how is that relaxing?) by an alien massage therapist.

After a day of fun and one of relaxation, the girls were more than ready and excited to wake up for their big birthday.

As usual, mom and dad were all smiles and fun as they prepared the day for their girls.

First up was Vicki who at this point has been following in her father’s goofy footsteps.

But as a teen, she shows a passion for books, like her mom, and for some odd reason a penchant for causing misery to others hoping to become a public enemy.

Now who would have seen that coming? Certainly not Felix but then again he never sees the bad things coming.

Dorothea, our first generation of my own personal legacy challenge blew out the candles next.

She grew into a self-absorbed teenager with aspirations to become a super parent one day.

Who Legacy - Two Sisters-[C]We are finally back to the Who legacy where we are still on generation zero with Felix and Gretch

She quickly becomes the focus and center of the Who family and dotes on them, especially her father.

As long as all eyes are on her and her brilliance,

Dodo is all smiles.

While the heir is making a name for herself and preparing the way for her hopefully successful future, Victoria has been making a far different name for herself.

But although she is becoming known as quite a menace outside of the home Vicki behaves at the family home.

So much so that sometimes unsuspecting club members fall for the silly Who. Although he may be smitten Vicki quickly loses interest just let her make enemies, not boyfriends.

Dodo can’t be bothered by her sisters’ crazy social life her focus is knowledge. She just needs to learn to not be so easily fooled.

These two sisters are quite the pair and despite their very different lifestyles are as close as they were as children.

But the future of my Doctor Who legacy lies with Dodo and she will be officially taking over next time as she becomes an adult and her parents retire.

But for the moment we can just relax, like Gustav.

Be like Gustav.

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