Birthdays for Everyone (Well, Almost)

As the title suggests we have a lot of birthdays to get through.


Except for one…

She is not happy to be left out of the fun.

She constantly embarrasses people around her with her tantrums.

It’s hysterical.

She has become quite close with her daughter-in-law, Tricia.

Not sure what they have bonded over but they seem happy.

Unlike Wilma, Tricia is an excellent and attentive parent.

Why is Tricia the only one actually working?

Typical Beris

Tricia is actually first up in the birthday extravaganza.

I even threw a party for her which I don’t usually do with the spouses but she has a lot of friends.

She got a snazzy new makeover that I think truly fits her.

She’s a big fan of ‘bubbles’.

And cats…

Before we head to our next birthday let’s get to know Bungee better.

Bungee is a straight-up overachiever.

She mastered her rambunctious scamp aspiration in record time (3days),

So I decided to make her do artistic prodigy as well

since she has a singing skill to master.

This kid flew threw both aspirations she still had time to do absolutely nothing before her birthday came around.


Her birthday isn’t up next.

Goose’s is.

Our loner yellow brought the entire family to the spaceport to celebrate the big day.

Princess brought the cake.

Goose blew out the candles.

Then they bowled…

And bowled…

And bowled…

And bowled…..

Such concentration


I kid you not,

12 sim hours

You bet I stuck it out that long I had to know who won.

It was Princess

She was hiding her skill, she totally demolished the Beris, Tricia gave up halfway through.

After that exhausting birthday, the next one was quiet.

Both Bungees and Princess’s birthdays landed on the same day.

No party, no muss, no fuss.

All is quiet on the Berry front.

At least for now…

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