Behind Door No.1

Before we hop into the madness that is the Beri family let’s not forget Wilma’s live in girlfriend, Princess.

Believe it or not, I am actually working on her aspiration as well as the other family members.

She’s an aspiring chef so we had to throw a party for her to cook some meals.

Which we did and invited a bunch of Foxy sims.

Tricia took it upon herself to clean up the mess.

Having neat sims in the house is great, no need to hire a maid!

Tricia is HUGE I don’t know what kind of pregnancy cravings that girls been having.

That’s the second trimester!!

Usually they look like that in the third.

Since Goose needs to be fit to work in space I decided to use him as my guinea pig for the rock climbing wall and be the first to master each level.

Things went great for every level until we got to that fire stage!

It’s all fun and games until it goes up in flames!

A very pregnant Tricia actually put it out.

The Beris are useless in a crisis.

After the fire incident Goose went back to logic levelling for work.

I forced him to stay up way past his bedtime to finish it but finish it he did.

Of course Tricia went into labor not long after.

Who needs sleep?

Caleb did the honors.

Looks like generation grey is a girl!

We seem to be rotating genders each generation which actually sounds like a good rule to put in place!

Zoot says it and it shall be done!

Wilma has finally started to act like a (grand) parent with the new baby.

Better late than never.

Of course Greyson loves his new grandbaby he was always a great parent.

I know what you’re thinking

What the heck is her name?!

With all my awesome Beri names the anticipation must be killing you!

But look!

It’s grey yellow and red in one room!

How awesome is that?!

About as awesome as this Tatooine lot I found in the gallery!

Why the heck were the Beris at Tatooine?

Because you had to travel through Tatooine to get to door number 1.

What was behind door number 1?

No wait, wrong screenshot.

A very cozy abode.

Who lived here and why?

More importantly how did they get reception on their tv when Goose is sans bars on his cell?!

These are questions for another day because Goose needs a nap.

It’s not easy breaking into places ‘closed for your protection’

It’s Fawltys turn to shine!

Because our little man is a hunter but has never been able to hunt.

Until Now!

I don’t even remember what he found, probably a rock.

But still it’s the thought that counts and another generation yellow requirement in the books.

All Goose needs to do now is master the astronaut career and he is golden!

So I suppose it’s time we properly met generation grey.

Wilma if you’d do the honors.

Drumroll please


Please welcome to the Beris:



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