Wilma’s Final Choice

I know I said generation yellow would officially be in charge now but this post is definitely rose-based so she gets one more.

Wilma is finally at a healthy place to pursue a proper relationship.

Of her many romantic entanglements over the years there are only 5 left.


So we had a bit of a bachelorette faceoff one weekend and waited to see who Willie chose to give a rose.

That’s what they do on those shows right?

Have you figured it out yet?

She’s been stalking many pics and has been hiding in the background.

She also is the only one who hasn’t succumbed to Willie woohoo yet.

That’s right Princess it is!

I think it’s rather fitting the girl I missed a pic of back when they were teens and who has never gone that extra step would be the final choice for Willie.

Since the house is so empty now without generation mint we moved Princess in.

Have you noticed I changed the pets outfits with the eldest Berry?

Scully is a serious menace she does what she wants when she wants.

And I think she’s sick.

Back to Princess.

I don’t remember all of her traits but she is a slob and jealous.

*Head desk*

Why does Wilma do this to me?! I swear she lives off the drama! Leave it to her to pick someone who needs her around constantly.

Vegetarian and jealous have to be my least favorite traits.

Jealous wouldn’t be so bad if it ticked off when they were at least on the same lot!

I could almost enjoy it for some added drama when they were both at work but…

She’s in bed Princess for the love of Sims, chillax!

Princess also is an aspiring master chef so I guess I started Wilma down the cooking path for no reason.

With a live-in girlfriend now Wilma had to officially break things off with Marcus. Who was surprisingly still very much in love with our Rose even after the great wedding debacle.

Right after she auto-large bribed him! I mean come on Willie where’s your morals?!

When not calming her girlfriend down Wilma seems obsessed with the cat wand and is always playing with one of the kitties.

Generation Rose isn’t the only one with things going on.

Goose moved his fiancee Tricia in as well and she seems to think she’s generation peach.

She’s an aspiring joke star but was working as a detective when she moved in! Yeah, that’s not gonna fly, she got a more suitable profession in entertainment.

For their wedding, I sent them to that cute little arch on the docks in Brindleton Bay.

With only his mom and her special lady to witness.

I may gripe but I do love these two together it somehow feels right. They are also just a really cute couple.

No big ceremonies for loner sims is my motto.

Wilma has to be thinking ‘Omg, it’s really happening! I’m officially being replaced as the Beris main focus! I can’t look!

Love this shot!

There you have it Goose is now officially my Berry focus.

They are one cute family though.

Generation Yellow:

Master rocket science: 10/10

Master handiness: 8/10

Master astronaut career: 5/10

Complete Nerd Brain aspiration: 2/4

Must complete ten wood sculptures as a teen: Check!

Must build a rocket ship: Check!

and visit Sixam: Not just yet, still upgrading.

Enter the secret lot in Oasis Springs: Not yet

Never have any close friends or relationships other than grandparent from Generation 1 until the grandparent dies: Yup, rest in peace Guppi.

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