The Bachelor Pt.3

It’s back to the basement where we begin with… to absolutely no ones surprise.


Seriously Kiersten?

You just went from being the best chef to this?

You were a top paintings earner!

What are we supposed to do now?

With babies in the basement now the basement door was unlocked to get them to safety despite no one being able to save Kiersten. It may be time to unlock the bedroom doors as well.

At this point, since it was Winterfest, Alvin allowed the contestants to prepare the meal upstairs and join him for dinner.

With another unexpected death, there came another new contestant to the mansion.

The adorable and friendly Eeyore.

Just in time for the next competition.

While the contestants were summoned to the lower basement Onyx spent some time with his son.

As they arrived to the basement and were each given a swimsuit it became apparent what today’s challenge would be.

It was time to swim some laps and race.

Around and around they go where they stop nobody knows.

The new kids made it a real tight race but ultimately Eeyore won the day.

With his victory, Eeyore was able to join Onyx on a date to the local pool.

Where as usual things got hot and heavy.

As elimination day approached the contestants were informed that no one had received immunity that week as nobody had created any simoleon earning projects.

As the scores were tallied Mystic once again was the top earner. Between winning a competition and having the second Landgraab child, King.

Mystic seems to clearly be pulling ahead. Much to Zoot’s displeasure as I don’t really like her. But this competition isn’t about what I want it’s about who wants Onyx the most.

The second to make it to the next round was Eeyore with his swimming victory.

Eeyore was followed closely by Sooty.

That left the final two.

New girl Marley and the dashing Crumbly.

And the rose goes to..

Marley not only had more points but Crumbly has never made any true push to get to know the Bachelor and Onyx will not spend time on someone who isn’t trying to gain his attention.

Upon receiving his death flower Crumbly was shown the door. When he finally made his exit he found the door locked behind him.

Having just come from the pool Crumbly was perturbed to be forced to leave without any of his belongings.

As he ascended the stairs and went to the greenhouse door he discovered that locked!

Obviously, he panicked. Banging on every door and window he could for hours. But to no avail. No one came to help him. Eventually, he became ravenous and soon he could smell a delicious cake.

Starving and nowhere to go Crumbly reached for the sweet treat.

Never to be seen again.

While Onyx began to look that much younger.

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