The Bachelor Pt.2

Welcome back to the Bachelor where they have already undergone their first match in the second date challenge, chess.

Mystic beat Goosefoot, Carrie beat Sooty and Crumbly beat Kiersten.

All winners received one more point towards staying in the house come the elimination date.

For the second round, Crumbly received a free pass while Mystic and Carrie played for a spot in the final game.

Ever the competitor and eager to be Onyx’s future spouse, Mystic came out on top.

That led to the final game between Crumbly and Mystic and Crumbly just couldn’t match her determination.

For making it to second place Crumbly was awarded five points towards not being eliminated and a surprise rose for immunity from elimination that week.

Mystic however got her first proper date with the Bachelor.

A perfect romantic evening was had at a local restaurant. Dinner and dancing and quality one on one time with Onyx.

As we all know Onyx wastes no time and Mystic has been down lucky enough to have been down this road before.

That evening all of the contestants were given a knitting kit and it was explained to them that they were expected to earn their place in the household.

Not just by winning challenges and impressing the Bachelor but by contributing to the household’s income.

Not quite understanding why when the Landgraabs were a known wealthy family they set to work asap to learn a new skill and stay in the game.

After what happened to Goosefoot they decided it was best to not take their chances.

Finally, it was Friday, elimination day. All of the contestants were on edge. Except Crumbly of course who had already received immunity for the week.

Ultimately, staying in the house comes down to points accrued during the week. Earning them from challenges, having Landgraab babies, or creating items to sell. You can also lose points through potential bad behavior. Such as setting the house on fire.

That being said Mystic was the first to receive her rose. Having the strongest relationship with our heir and the second most points.

Up next was Sooty, having earned the most points by getting pregnant with Onyx’s firstborn and potential heir.

That left Carrie and Kiersten, neither of whom even made it on the scoreboard.

The final rose went to…..

Who despite not earning a single point was still one up on Carrie who was in the negatives from her first attempt at cooking ended in fire.

But, to everyone’s surprise, she was given a Daisy.

Signifying she was going to receive a pass for the week but she better make the most of it.

There was some grumbling among the contestants. Especially Crumbly who had earned his immunity.

Little did they know however that it wouldn’t last long.

This being her second fire and having just been given a warning flower she wasn’t even allowed a safety role.

Just like that Zoot’s favorite was out of the picture.

During the weekend there are no challenges and the contestants are free to go about the basement as they like.

It was at this time that Mystic discovered she was pregnant. Now she’ll receive the permanent 5 points for having a baby just like Sooty.

Who, not a minute too soon had the first of potentially many Landgraab children, Rabbit.

That led us into week 2 where Mystic was the first to start a fire.

Being pregnant with a Landgraab she was automatically saved.

While in the basement after the fire Onyx met his first child.

Soon it was time for the first challenge of the week and this time it was a ping pong challenge.

Kiersten and Molly both won their games in the first round.

Leading to the winners round where once again Mystic won the day.

Being heavily pregnant at this point she and Onyx had a cozy and uneventful lunch date.

Upon arriving back at the mansion basement Mystic was surprised to see a new pink sim in the house.

Turns out Marley is a surprise new contestant as the Bachelor has an even larger appetite than the contestants thought.

At this point, all the household members can do is grin and bear it. Turns out this contest is going to be far more than any one of them signed up for.

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