Teenage Teen

It’s back to Oasis Springs and the teenage life.

We begin with the baby of the family, Marigold, exploring her romantic desires.

She’s not shy about taking things to the next level real quick.

Something she learned from her bff in the house Onyx.

He’s been around the block a few times himself. Despite his young age.

Lately, however, he has been behaving.

Well, relatively.

Schools not that important to him but he loves to paint.

The only two that actually seem to truly behave are the heirs, Diamond and Tiara.

It seems that when there are no real pressures or expectations put on a child they thrive.

At least in the Sims world.

After all, they don’t have to live up to the same set of rules as the heirs.

Like overly strict parents who never actually contributed anything in their whole life.

This is exactly what Margild is living with every time her mother actually decides to come home.

That is why her long since absent father has become so important to her.

He doesn’t always nag and make her feel worthless.

Often visiting his daughter and her siblings.

Jing was never exactly father of the year. But in the kids’ eyes he seems like an adult worthy of their respect. Since he is making time for them and is there on the holidays.

What he didn’t know was that his ex-wife’s invitation to join his daughter for Harvest Fest and allow him to spend the night wasn’t a sign of good co-parenting.

The cowplant had instructions.

No one in this house dares defy Maverick.

After all, we’ve been down this road before with his first wife, Candy.

Marigold was disappointed when she woke the next day to discover her dad was gone.

But her siblings assured her must have just left early. Maybe something came up at work?

Reassured the whole crew once again headed out to Mt. Komorebi in anticipation of Tiaras’ birthday.

Having a great time, whether they were learning new skills.

Or just horsing around on the bunny slopes with the sled.

The kids just had a ball on their final family vacation.

While they were away their parents returned back home to Oasis Springs.

Where Beverly received her reward for feeding the cowplant.

Just as her husband had done extending her life for a very long time.

It was a good thing the kids had their vacation when they did because once they got home…

Things weren’t so great after Tiaras’ birthday.

The parental units were home but they were very much up to their usual business.

Harassing Marigold being the forefront of her mother’s mind as usual.

Plus, she showed zero remorse for the fact her ex-husband was missing.

By this point things had gotten so tense in the house Tiara decided she just had to get out.

On a whim, she enrolled in the military and headed out to boot camp.

She felt bad leaving her brother and sisters behind but she just couldn’t take it anymore.

Unfortunately, the other kids in the house can’t leave so soon. As long as their parents are still “officially” living at the mansion they must stay.

Perhaps their day of freedom is coming sooner than they anticipated.

Ever since Maverick celebrated his long-awaited adult birthday, both he and Beverly seem to be plotting.

The thousands of simoleons in the family’s vault seem to be a big part of whatever it is they’re planning.

While her parents are doing whatever those hateful people do. Marigold is just not doing well.

Between her mother’s constant criticism and not being able to contact her father. Marigolds’ stress levels are through the roof.

She just can’t handle anything extra right now.

Unfortunately, that meant collateral damage.

Her best friend Onyx may not exactly be close to his father. However, he knows the history of his family very well.

As a result, he has a good idea of what happened to Maris dad.

Which, is terrible and everything. Especially since that’s how his own mother went.

But… it gives him an idea of how to make some money himself.

Because quite frankly he has no intention of working a day in his life.

He just can’t let Mari know it could break her.

Luckily Mari isn’t allowed to wallow in her sadness for too long.

Too many kids want to be close to her.

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