Yellow Bleeding into Roses

The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.

Dina is back to mixing her favorite cocktails.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

And Goose has been working hard on his rocketship.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is
Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Tricia has become a regular fixture at the home.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

She’s even rekindled Gooses love of chess. Something he deeply equated with his beloved grandfather.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

While generation yellow is looking to the future, generation rose just can’t let go of the past.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

All that dollhouse smashing left her with uncontrollable emotions so it takes her twice as long to deal with major events.

Tricia may be a genius but she’s no match for Goose.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Ok, ok you win!…. This round….

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Then there was a woohoo want so what better place for their first time than Gooses new rocket?!

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Guppi is back!

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Fawlty is pretty excited!

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Fawlty officially doesn’t get along with either cat.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

But they love each other so it’s fine.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

I even remembered to get Scully spayed as well so no more surprise kitties.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Guess what Dad? I’ve mastered rocket science already and I’ll soon be top Beri!!!

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Not yet Goose. Momma still needs two more girlfriends before we can hand over the mantle.

And we may have a possible match here.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is
Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Before Wilma even had a chance to think about a girlfriend want one of her first kisses as a teen asked her out for dinner.

Woohoo is a calorie burner so Willie agreed, leaving whoever this poor girl is in the hot tub alone.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

After a long night out Wilma came home and passed out since she had to work in a few short hours.

Not long after Dina got out of bed…

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

… And died.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

Wilma was far too exhausted from the night before to get out of bed but she did wake up sad the next day.

Not so Berry: Yellow Bleeding into Roses-[C]The Beris are starting to feel better after the loss of their founder.
[C]Dina is

She had just gotten over Guppi!

Now I have to deal with her extended sadness again!

Thanks Dina, thanks.

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