Coming in Hot & Heavy

I hope you have your seat belts fastened and your tray tables locked in their  upright positions because the Beris  are coming in and they’re coming in full throttle.

I’m not entirely sure that Wilma is prepared….

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Yeah I don’t know what is up with my game but every festival has errant furniture. It’s definitely annoying but not the worst glitch to have.

But Guppis ready!

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

That’s right the smashing outfit after work means our mint founder has finally topped his career.

Now that he’s at the top however means one more painful trip to the lab for me.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

As you can see I upgraded our machine for Sixam visitation and said goodbye to the robot. But I spent the duration of the time just freezing people.

Mwah ha ha ha ha!

With the mint generation officially in the books that means we are in the hands of the rose generation from this point on.

Let me tell you just like when she was a child Willie wasted no time getting to work on her aspiration.

Just in case you’re living under a sim rock generation rose has to master the serial romantic aspiration. An aspiration that is an absolute riot to play!

So the first part of this aspiration is: Amore Amateur – Have a boyfriend or girlfriend and go on two dates.

With the luck of Wilma her first day at high school she met and brought home an adorable sim named Alicia.

Of course, the first thing Willie wanted to do was woohoo and I’m not one to deny a Beri their whims.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Our girl never rolled girlfriend and I’m going to try to wait for her to do it each time instead of just making her do it for the sake of it. So no progress but it gives us an idea of how well Wilma is going to do at this and where her tastes lie.

Alright so no official movement on the aspiration front the traditional way let’s try the club way it worked out for her as a kid.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Wilma has taken an interest in gaming so we made that an activity but it almost always ends up with her rage quitting.

Alright so that didn’t work out quite as well as I was hoping but with the magic of clubs she met some new sims.

So Wilma gathered them all up for a new outing with new rules, specifically… dance!

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

That worked out much better, Gwendolyn captured the show and caught Wilmas eye.

The feeling must have been mutual because Gwen asked Wilma on a date shortly after.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s


That’s right we have started in on the path to Amore Amateur and have our first girlfriend and date.

They are super cute together, and I will feel bad about breaking it off later.

Wilmas’ bff is Greyson from the Fox Legacy and since she is heir and needs to … how can I put this delicately …. supply (that a bad choice? Yeah that’s a terrible choice of words, whatever it’s done) the next generation. I thought I’d have her throw out a few flirts when he visits (he has a key) and see how it went.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Hmm.. well alrighty then.

It was definitely a more tentative interaction. I just think Willie prefers girls (sorry Grey) but at least she has an option for a possible donor.

That’s right I said it!

Willie is a popular gal and flirts with almost every pretty girl she sees so it wasn’t too surprising when another date invitation popped up with her childhood friend Daisy.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

During this date, Willie learned Daisy was noncommittal so I don’t expect to ever make her a girlfriend so she received a key as well.

Which in hindsight maybe wasn’t such a good idea.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Though Grey doesn’t seem to be too upset by the whole thing. Maybe he already knows Wilma will never truly be his.

There is one thing that will be, however…

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Yeah.. I kinda sorta forgot about risky woohoo and enabling teen pregnancies in mc so tada! Generation yellow is already on the way.

I guess Wilma should have stuck to girls.

Whatever it’s done.. let’s get back to our aspiration.

Oh wait how will generation Mint react to the news?

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Guppi: “Wait, what?! Aren’t you dating a girl? That’s not possible.. at least not biologically speaking.. scientifically…. I could maybe work something up. But, I haven’t invented that yet!”

Wilma: “Oh my God Dad, its Greysons!”

Guppi: “You mean that red-headed kid you’ve been friends with since you were a child?”

Wilma: *rolls eyes and sighs* “Yes! You know I can’t resist red!”

Guppi: *eyes grow wide and the excitement builds as he realizes he’s going to be a grandfather* “Ahem, you need to be more careful sweetheart.”

Initial shock followed by unadulterated joy! That’s my Guppi!

Ok, now where were we?

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Right, right.

Amore Amateur: Check

Next: Up to Date:

Achieve level 4 charisma and have had three first kisses.

Done and Done!


Romance Juggler:

Achieve Level 6 Charisma: Check

Have a Strong Romantic Relationship with 3 Sims at Once: Alicia, Gwendolyn, and Greyson – Check

Kiss 10 Sims: Alicia-1, Gwendolyn-2, Greyson-3

Alright something to work on, let’s get on that Willie.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Romance #4

What’s wrong Wilma?

Can you please stop shouting?

We don’t have time for this!

Go take out this loud phase of yours on the piano, my head hurts.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

You done now Willie?

Are you nice and calm?

Great, because its been a week and Gwendolyn hasn’t called I think its time we show her the door.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

I mean if you’re not going to make the effort we have quotas to fill.


Sorry Willie I know you liked her, rolling propose and everything but this is a challenge and we have to complete it.

It’s been a wild week full of surprises lets just take the day to relax…

What really, you want to haggle at the flea market Evangeline?

Fine, but I hope you know what you’re in for…

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Alright halfway there!

Let’s get some grub and head home.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Maybe I should rethink this whole key to all romanced sims thing.

As soon as Wilma had her way with Evangeline, Daisy showed up and Wilma rolled go steady!

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Before this goes any further let me just take a moment to thank Grey for knocking our rose up. Because she has hit hysterical at least half a dozen times in the last week. If she wasn’t pregnant she’d be dead.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

One more thing before we head to the hospital, Guppi must be delicious because he is attacked at least once a week.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Whatever happened to your whole plant thing Caleb? And who have you been snacking on because you are putting on some weight.

So are you ready to meet generation yellow?

Are you really?

Seriously I cant hear you.


Alright, alright, you don’t have to shout!

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Welcome baby Goose!

Yes, his name is actually Goose don’t judge me!

It makes perfect sense!

Let me break it down for you:

Generation Mint: named after a fish

Generation Rose: named after a smexy cartoon

Generation Yellow: named after a bird

Jeez, I gotta spell everything out for you people.

So we only made it to 6 kissed sims (there was a gal named Princess I didn’t screenie… trust me there was!) which means we are no romance juggler yet.

But we made it through 2/4 levels of the rose aspiration, generation mint is complete and generation yellow is already here!

The Beris waste no time.

Not so Berry: Coming in Hot and Heavy-Happy Halloween everyone! Have fun and be safe! As usual I'll be at work but it won't s

Hope you had fun with our not quite romance juggler, I sure did. Clearly I was super hyper when I wrote this.

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