The Founder

It’s time for the very first Not so Berry legacy post, where we will meet the founder:

Guppi Beri

Wait, that’s a man?!

You are correct my dear that is indeed a male sim.

Let’s face it we have all seen a lot of Berry challenges. But I (at the original time of this post) have never seen a male founder and it doesn’t actually say female. So I thought to myself. I’m already taking myself out of my comfort zone I might as well take it one step further and start with a male sim.

Thus Guppi.

Guppi was born in Twinbrook to loving, easy-going parents. I suppose you could call them hippies. Living deep in the swamp away from the world they chose to homeschool their only child. 

Growing up alone with only his parents for company Guppi was a rather eccentric child. He loved to experiment and used those experiments to prank his mellow parents. 

Mom and Dad chose not to discipline their son and instead encouraged his active imagination and free spirit.

Both things that should be encouraged, but when they lead to fireworks being set off in your bedroom (for science!) you should maybe rethink your parenting philosophy.

Actually maybe they did rethink it, we will never know.

Because this was one experiment his parents didn’t survive.

When emergency services finally did arrive they found young Guppi fast asleep in a makeshift fort not far from the now burnt out husk that was his world.

Initially Guppy was placed into foster care.

It turns out that Guppis parents were living under witness protection so there was some bureaucracy involved to getting him to his family. 

You would think Guppis troubles would be over here now that he’s with family. Sadly it would take two more years before he finds a home. 

Guppis mischievous personality (and in one case his refusal to eat meat) were just too much for the relatives he was placed with.

Eventually Guppi was placed with his moms great uncle Eddard. A bachelor all his life Eddard had very little experience with children. But as it turns out he was the perfect stable and responsible influence his life needed.

Eddard was that rich, eccentric and grumpy relative that Disney villains are made of.

Think Scrooge McDuck with a goatee. 

In reality Eddard was actual a decent man, he was just strict and expected more than mediocrity from those around him.

Eddard chose to raise Guppi in a far more structured environment than his parents had. With an emphasis on education and responsibility, Guppi thrived.

A self made man Eddard helped redirect Guppis love of pranks and mischief into science, something Guppi always enjoyed.

Guppi spent seven years with Eddard until he turned 18 and headed off to Simston University.

Despite losing his Uncle Eddard just two year later Guppi excelled at school and, thanks to him, his fraternity pulled off some of the biggest and craziest pranks Simston U has ever seen.

After graduating with honors, Guppi received his uncles entire estate under the condition that he continue his scientific pursuits all the way to the top. (aka top the science career)

Guppi had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle when he was living with Eddard in Bridgeport so he took the proceeds from the sale of his uncles mansion and had a brand spanking new penthouse built on the tallest building in the richest, hoity toityest neighborhood he could find in San Myshuno. (because Bridgeport is so 2010!)

Three years later and it’s finally finished. (Apartment by sheetmason)

Finally Guppi can pursue his lifetimes pursuit of being a master of mischief!


Thank you for bearing with me and my simple edits but I really wanted to give Guppi here a backstory before we jumped right into the challenge. I also didn’t want to present you with just one giant block of words. #boring

Besides, Guppi is a total dreamboat so I didn’t think you would mind extra shots of him even with my bad editing.

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